LCS85 LonWorks Control Server - Metasys - LIT-12011832 - General System Information - Metasys System - 12.0

Metasys System Configuration Guide

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Metasys System
Document type
Configuration Guide
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The LCS85 is a computer-based server that is used to communicate with LonWorks devices over an IP network. The LonWorks field devices are normally connected to an IP router. In this arrangement, the Metasys system is used in a flat LonWorks configuration.

From Release 12.0, the LCS85 supports BACnet/SC and can act as a Primary Hub, Failover Hub, or Node in the BACnet/SC network topology. You need to purchase the M4-BACNETSC-0 add-on license to use BACnet/SC. For more information about BACnet/SC, refer to BACnet/SC Workflow Technical Bulletin (LIT-12013959) .