Transfer to device (download) limitations - Metasys - LIT-12011832 - General System Information - Metasys System - 12.0

Metasys System Configuration Guide

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Configuration Guide
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Regarding transfer to device limitations, there is no difference between specific models of equipment controllers (CGM, CGE, CVM, CVE, FAC, FEC, and VMA), but the firmware and communication types (BACnet MS/TP, N2, BACnet/IP, and BACnet/SC) matter.

The following transfer to device limitations apply:

  • NxE Passthru is not supported for Transfer to Device (Download) for controllers using firmware 7.0 or later when going through an engine at Release 8.1 or earlier. However, NxE Passthru through an engine at Release 9.0 or later works for any Metasys equipment controller.
  • NxE Passthru is not supported for N2 devices, because an SA Bus connection is required in the tool to communicate with an N2 controller.
  • The MAP 4.2+ and BACnet Router methods work for any device.
  • A Bluetooth or ZigBee Transfer to Device (Download) is supported for devices using 6.2 firmware or older. Bluetooth and ZigBee are not supported for Transfer to Device (Download) for controllers using firmware 7.0 or later. CCT 14.0 and later does not work with the BTCVT Bluetooth Commissioning Converter.
  • Direct Ethernet works for any IP device.
Note: All transfers with SNC Local Applications are done through SCT Manage Archive, never with CCT transfers.

The following table summarizes the transfer to device limitations.

Table 1. Transfer methods supported by device type and firmware
Controller type

Supported CCT connection method

Note: The BTCVT Bluetooth Commissioning Converter is no longer available (no longer in production), and is no longer a supported connection method at Metasys Release 11.0 and later.
Supervisor Passthru - Engine at 8.1 or earlier Supervisor Passthru - Engine at 9.0 or later MAP 4.2+/BACnet Router Bluetooth (BTCVT) ZigBee Direct Ethernet
BACnet/SC controllers using 10.0 firmware or higher   X
Note: Engine must be at Release 12.0 or later.
BACnet/IP controllers using 7.0 firmware or higher   X X     X
BACnet MS/TP controllers using 6.2 firmware or lower X X X X X  
BACnet MS/TP controllers using 7.0 firmware or higher X X      
N2 controllers using 6.2 firmware or lower 1   X X    
N2 controllers using 8.0 firmware or higher     X      

For further details refer to the Troubleshooting section in the Controller Tool Help (LIT-12011147) .

1 Connecting through the SA Bus is required.