Adding RADIUS Users - Metasys - LIT-1201528 - General System Information - Metasys System - 10.1

Security Administrator System Technical Bulletin

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Metasys System
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Technical Bulletin
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Revision date

To provide access to the Metasys system for users that are authenticated by a RADIUS server:

  1. Using Metasys Launcher, start and log in to the SMP with any Metasys system administrator account.
  2. On the SMP UI screen, select Tools > Administrator. The Security Administration window appears.
    Figure 1. Security Administration Window

  3. Add a new RADIUS user in one of two ways:
    1. In the Insert Menu, click Insert RADIUS User.
      Figure 2. Adding a New User through the Menu Bar

    2. Right-click the RADIUS Users folder. Select Insert.
  4. The User Properties dialog box appears. Enter the User Name.
    • Spell out the User Name the same as defined and expected by the RADIUS server.
    • Many fields appear dimmed when you add a RADIUS user account because they are controlled by a RADIUS server. These fields include: Password, Verify Password, View Blocked Words List, View Password Policy, Min Password Length, Max Password Length, User Must Change Password at Next Logon, and User Cannot Change Password.
  5. Review the selections in the remaining tabs to ensure that the appropriate Metasys authorization is assigned to the user. Then click OK. Once you add a new RADIUS user, the new user account is opened to the Access Permissions page.
    Note: The Maximum Password Age and Password Uniqueness fields on the Account Policy tab do not apply to RADIUS users because those features are handled by the RADIUS server.