User Names - Metasys - LIT-1201528 - General System Information - Metasys System - 10.1

Security Administrator System Technical Bulletin

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Metasys System
Document type
Technical Bulletin
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Revision date

User names are the login names from the server instance specified in the Server Name field. DBCCT does not validate the user names. You can enter any length name with the exception of the SQL login names, which are limited to 115 characters (SQL Server 2005).

Table 1. DBCCT Dialog Field Details
Field Description
XMS DB User The user name used by the ADX to access the site configuration database (XMS).
Historian DB User The user name used by the data access service to access the historical (trend) database (JCIHistorianDB).
Events DB User The user name used by the data access service to access the events database (JCIEventsDB).
Audit DB User The user name used by the data access service to access the audits database.
Security DB User The user name used by applications to access the security database (MetasysIII), to authenticate and authorize the end-user or calling process.
Annotation DB User The user who connects to the annotation database (JCIItemAnnotation).
ARS DB User The database user name impersonated by advanced reporting services (ARS) to obtain access to the databases. This user name is read-only. You cannot change this username.
ARS Reporting Service Data Link Configuration This link launches the Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SRRS) configuration screen, where you set the reports data source access password. Do not change the user name, only the password.
Note: When you save the password, the change is made even though the DBCCT dialog cancels.