Types of votes - Verasys - LIT-12012370 - Building automation software - Verasys System

Verasys System Operation Overview Technical Bulletin

Product name
Verasys System
Document type
Technical Bulletin
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The zone can send five types of votes to the VZC: Cool, Urgent Cool, Heat, Urgent Heat, and Satisfied. The following sections describe these votes.

When the zone temperature is greater than 1 degree above the Cooling setpoint but less than 2 degrees above it, a zone sends a Cool vote to the VZC When the zone temperature decreases to within 0.5 degrees of the cooling setpoint, the zone vote changes to Satisfied.

If the zone temperature is greater than 2 degrees above the cooling setpoint, the vote is Urgent Cool. When the zone temperature decreases to within 1 degree of the cooling setpoint, the vote returns to Cool.

When the zone temperature is greater than 1 degree below the heating setpoint but less than 2 degrees below it, a zone sends a vote of Heat to the VZC. When the zone temperature rises to within 0.5 degrees of the heating setpoint, the zone vote changes to Satisfied.

If the zone temperature is greater than 2 degrees below the heating setpoint, the vote is Urgent Heat. When the zone temperature rises to within 1 degree of the heating setpoint, the zone vote returns to Heat.

If the zone temperature is between the heating and cooling setpoints, the vote is Satisfied. See Figure 1.

Figure 1. Zone Votes