Third-party BACnet controllers - Verasys - LIT-12012342 - LC-BYP200-0 - LC-IOM3711-0 - LC-SBH200-0 - LC-TMR100-0 - LC-VAC1000-0 - LC-VAC1001-0 - LC-VAC1002-0 - LC-VAC1100-0 - LC-VAC3000-0 - LC-VEC100-0 - LC-VZC100-0 - LC-ZEC310-0 - LC-ZEC510-0 - Building automation software - Verasys System - 5.0

Verasys System Product Bulletin

Product name
Verasys System
Document type
Product Bulletin
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Revision date
Product status

Verasys supports the automatic discovery of third-party BACnet MS/TP controllers. When you connect a third-party controller to the system bus, its data automatically fills a predefined set of views based on the object type.

You can create profiles for third-party controllers. Profiles provide the following benefits:

  • You can give BACnet points user-friendly names.
  • You can rearrange the data into specific views.
  • You can add BACnet extensions such as alarms, trends, and schedules.

You can export profiles from the SBH and import them into another SBH to ensure a consistent interface across multiple sites. Third-party controller integration also applies to the Verasys Enterprise cloud. Third-party data is visible in the Verasys Enterprise web user interface alongside the data from Verasys-compatible devices. Refer to Verasys BACnet MS/TP Integration Technical Bulletin (LIT-12013606).

Note: BACnet controllers must meet the performance standards listed in Verasys BACnet MS/TP Integration Technical Bulletin (LIT-12013606).