Security - Verasys - LIT-12013026 - LC-ENT100-01 - LC-SBH200-0 - Building automation software - Verasys Enterprise

Verasys Enterprise Security and IT Guide

Product name
Verasys Enterprise
Document type
Administration Guide
Technical Bulletin
Document number
Revision date
Product status

Microsoft employs security and technology practices to ensure that Azure is resilient to attack, to safeguard user access to the Azure environment, and to keep customer data secure.

Encrypting communications and operation processes:
For data in transit, Azure uses industry-standard transport protocols between user devices and Microsoft data centers, and also inside data centers. For data at rest, Azure provides a wide range of encryption capabilities up to AES-256.
Securing networks:
Azure has the infrastructure necessary to securely connect virtual machines to one another and to connect on-premises data centers with Azure VMs. Azure uses various technologies to block unauthorized traffic to Microsoft data centers and inside data centers. Azure Virtual Network extends your on-premises network to the cloud with site-to-site VPN.
Managing threats:
To protect against online threats, Azure uses Microsoft Anti-Malware for cloud services and virtual machines. Microsoft also employs intrusion detection, denial-of-service (DDoS) attack prevention, regular penetration testing, data analytics and machine learning tools to mitigate threats to the Azure platform.