Configuring a Smart Equipment unit for COBP control using the SBH - Verasys - LIT-12012371 - LC-SBH300-0 - Building automation software - Verasys System - 5.1

Verasys System User Guide

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Verasys System
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User Guide
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The Smart Equipment unit comes with partial factory setup completed. Follow this procedure to check that the minimal settings have been performed.

  1. Log on to the SBH.
  2. From the device list screen, select the Smart Equipment unit. The RTU home page and the RTU menu structure appear.
  3. Navigate to Controller > Description.
  4. Set Rooftop Controller Type to Changeover bypass.
  5. Navigate to Details > Indoor Fan > Setup, and verify that Fan Control Type is set to Single Speed or Fixed Variable. Fan type can be set to variable speed without a BYP200 if duct static pressure is conrolled by a variable speed fan. The RTU requires a discharge air duct static pressure sensor to be connected and the RTU must have a variable frequency drive.
    Note: In older versions of Smart Equipment firmware, Rooftop Controller Type is located in the Details > Service > Factory > Miscellaneous section, and Fan Control Type is located in Details > Service > Factory.
  6. Check the operation of the unit. Verify that you have some zones blocked open.
  7. After verifying, see Configuring a COBP damper (BYP200) for flow control to configure the bypass damper.