Lighting view - Verasys - LIT-12012371 - LC-SBH300-0 - Building automation software - Verasys System - 5.1

Verasys System User Guide

Product name
Verasys System
Document type
User Guide
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The facility view for lighting has two columns. The first column displays the name of the lighting zone beside the + symbol. An admin or technical user can define the zone name in the menu of the lighting controller.

The second column displays the status of the zone.

If you select the + symbol, the Facility view expands to a simplified graphical user interface. A large lightbulb icon shows the current status. If the lights are off, you can click the Temporary Override button to turn them on and adjust how long they must be on. Under the Master Override section you can select on or off, or auto options. The master override has priority over schedules and temporary occupied commands. Additionally, under the Links section, you can directly access the lighting device and its associated schedule.