Appendix: Example Zoning Designs - Verasys - LIT-12012331 - General System Information - Verasys System - 5.0

Verasys System Changeover Bypass Zoning System Design Application Note

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Verasys System
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Application Note
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Figure 1 shows a building layout with seven zones. Three zones have an eastern exposure (5, 6, 7), four zones have a western exposure (1, 2, 3, 4), two zones have a northern exposure (4, 5) and two zones have a southern exposure (1, 7). You can control this building from a single constant volume air handler because all the zones have the same exterior exposure. The layout lacks entirely internal zones making similar load requirements for each zone.

Figure 1. Zone Layout with External Zones Only

Figure 2 shows a building with seven zones. Four of the zones have a northern exposure (1, 2, 3, 4) and the other three zones have a southern exposure (5, 6, 7). It is best practice to install two separate zoned RTUs because northern and southern exposures have different effects on a building. The solar load is larger on the southern exposure than the northern exposure.

Figure 2. Zones with Northern and Southern Exposures

Figure 3 shows a combination manufacturing facility and office area. Two RTUs control the space temperature in the individual zones, numbered 1 through 7. One RTU controls the interior Zones 2, 3, and 4. Another RTU controls exterior Zones 1, 5, 6, and 7. A single constant volume RTU is used for each of the Zones 8 through 12.

Figure 3. Zoning and Constant Volume Units