Configuring the binary control loops - Verasys - LIT-12013364 - LC-VAC1000-0 - Smart equipment controller - Verasys Lighting Controller - 4.2

Verasys Sideloop Controller Application Note

Controls > Lighting Controls > Verasys Lighting Controller
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Configuring binary control loop 3 for EF-C

You can use this binary control loop to configure the fan to turn on when the damper open status is proved. To achieve this, you interlock the damper status from binary input 2 with the fan control on binary output 3. To configure the binary control loop, complete the following steps:
  1. On the SBH, navigate to Details > System Configuration > General, and set the following parameters:
    1. Unit Enable to Enable
    2. Binary Control Loop 3 Enable to Enable
  2. Navigate to Details > Binary Control Loop 3 > General, and set Binary Output Control Selector to Binary Interlock.
  3. Navigate to Details > Binary Control Loop 3 > Binary Interlock, and set the following parameters:
    1. Mode to Control
    2. Binary Input Selector to Binary Input 2
    3. Delay Type to On
    4. On Delay to 15 seconds

Configuring binary control loop 4 for EFD-C

You can use this binary control loop to define the logic that when the space temperature rises above the cooling setpoint, as detected by the space temperature sensor, the damper opens. The fan turns on when the damper status is proved, as configured in binary control loop 3. Cooling setpoint: 90°F.
  1. On the SBH, navigate to Details > System Configuration > General, and set the following parameters:
    1. Unit Enable to Enable
    2. Binary Control Loop 4 Enable to Enable
  2. Navigate to Details > Binary Control Loop 4 > General, and set Binary Output Control Selector to Analog to Binary.
  3. Navigate to Details > Binary Control Loop 4 > Analog to Binary, and set the following parameters:
    1. Input Type to SAB Sensor
    2. Sensor Type to Temperature
    3. Netsensor Address to 199
    4. Comparator Mode to Greater Than
    5. High Limit to 90.0