Proportional heating - Verasys - LIT-12013067 - LC-IOM3711-0 - LC-VAC1000-0 - LC-VAC3000-0 - Field Device - Verasys Constant Volume Controller

Verasys Constant Volume Controller Application Note

Controls > Field Controls > Verasys Constant Volume Controller
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Application Note
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From the Details > System Configuration menu, in the Heating section, you can configure proportional heating. The heating coil output modulates to maintain zone temperature. The output ranges from 0% to 100% based on demand. From the Commissioning > Heating menu you can also set the Supply Air Setpoint Heating Max parameter. If the discharge starts to rise above this setpoint, initially set to 130°F, heating slows or stops.

If OAT Heating Lockout is enabled, you can define a OA Heating Lockout Setpoint to disable the heat if OA-T is greater than the OA Heating Lockout Setpoint.You can define a FailSoft heating value to place the heating valve in this position when there is a low limit alarm.

For more information about commissioning heating, see Table 1.