From the
menu, you can configure the following diagnostic alarms:- Fan Runtime - generates a maintenance alarm with a fan runtime counter, a fan runtime reset, and a fan runtime limit setpoint. Set the runtime limit to a level at which you want to receive the alarm. When the limit is reached, the alarm generates. Use the runtime reset to reset the alarm when maintenance is finished.
Supply Fan Alarm - generates an alarm if the supply fan command does not
match the status input within the time frame you set. Note: For the supply fan alarm you must install a device to monitor fan functionality and wire it to the fan status input. See the Supply fan status alarm section for more details.
- Heat Cool Alarm - generates an alarm if there is a heating or cooling request and the temperature does not fall below the heat cool alarm differential setting within the heat cool alarm delay. This indicates that there is a fault with the heating or cooling.
- Zone Temperature - an alarm generates if the following situation occurs: the zone temperature rises or falls below the effective cooling or effective heating setpoint greater or less than the zone temperature alarm offset value, and it remains above or below that band for more than the zone temperature alarm delay.
- Title 24 Economizer Alarm
- Service Alarm Point - generates an alarm to Verasys to perform a service. Choose between Service, Service Priority, or Critical.
- States Text - defines the text to display based on the state of the input. The states are listed based on input open/closed or False/True. For example, if the state text is Normal/Alarm, then Normal is displayed when the switch is open and Alarm is displayed when the switch is closed.
- Service Alarm - displays the current value of the binary input. The value only updates when a delay defined in the delay type expires.
- Description - defines the point to describe the alarm point.
Delay Type- defines the type of delay to
occur between a change in the actual binary input status to the present value
displayed in service alarm.
- None - no delay. The present value displayed in service alarm updates when the binary input changes
- On Delay - defines the amount of time the binary input must be closed before the present value in service alarm is updated.
- Off Delay - defines the amount of time the binary input must be open before the present value in service alarm is updated.
- Both - Both On and Off delay defines the amount of time the binary input must be oped and closed before the present value in service alarm is updated.
- On Delay - defines the amount of delay applied when the Delay type is set to On delay or both
- Off Delay - defines the amount of delay applied when the Delay type is set to Off delay or both
- Alarm Priority - defines the priority level of the alarm to report to the Verasys System
Alarm Notification Level - defines the alarm
notification level that you receive through text and email.
Choose one of the following options:
- Disable - Receive no notifications via email or text message.
- Service - Receive service, service priority, and critical alarm notifications.
- Service Priority - Receive service priority and critical alarm notifications.
- Critical Alarms - Receive critical alarm notifications.
For more information about alarm priority refer to the Verasys System User Guide (LIT-12012371) and Verasys Alarms Summary Technical Bulletin (LIT-12013648).
- Alarm Text - defines the message to display when the point is in alarm.
- Alarm State - defines the state of the service alarm present value, based on the states text that you defined in the States Texts field to generate an alarm.
- Alarm Delay - defines the amount of time that the service alarm present value must match the Alarm State in order to generate an alarm to the system.