Installing the display driver - Triatek - LIT-12013911 - xMS-2000 - Critical Environment Display - Version 2.0

xMS-2000 Display Firmware Update Installation Guide

Controls > Critical Environment Controls > Critical Environment Display
Document type
Installation Guide
Document number
Version 2.0
Revision date
Product status

Before you begin

The driver package is developed for Windows® operating systems. These instructions are for Windows 10. If you have a different operating system, the necessary drivers and installation instructions may be different.
Note: The flashing process is not supported on virtual machines, for example those created with Hyper-V® or VMWare®.


  1. Extract the .zip file from the xMS-2000 Driver Package to a convenient location.
  2. Optional: If there are previously installed drivers for FMS, it is best practice to uninstall them.
    1. Open Device Manager and connect the display with a USB Type A to Micro USB-B cable.
    2. Right-click each device associated with the display and select Uninstall Device.
    3. Select the check box to delete the drivers.
  3. To verify that ADB is enabled on the xMS-2000 display, navigate to Settings > Diagnostics > Enable ADB. Check that the toggle button is in the enabled position. If it is not enabled, turn on the toggle button.
  4. If not already connected, connect the computer to the xMS-2000 display with a USB Type A to Micro USB-B cable. This cable must be capable of data transfer as well as power supply.
  5. Open Device Manager > Universal Serial Bus devices. Right-click the Android device and click Update Driver > Browse my computer for drivers > Browse. Go to the location where you previously extracted the .zip file in Step 1 and select the driver folder. Click OK.
    Note: In some cases, the device appears under the Universal Serial Bus controllers section as Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed). In this case, right click on the device and choose the Disable device option. Right-click and choose the Enable device option. The device then appears as an Android device.
  6. Ensure the Include Subfolders check box is selected. Click Next. Install the drivers. Windows indicates a successful update when completed.