Setting up analog inputs for humidity - Triatek - LIT-12014409 - HMS1655 Fume Hood Controller

HMS1655 Fume Hood Controller User Guide

Controls > Fume Hood Controls > HMS1655 Fume Hood Controller
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User Guide
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About this task

You can configure the HMS1655 to monitor relative humidity in real-time with readily available sensors from BAPIĀ® and other manufacturers.


  1. To configure one of the secondary analog inputs for humidity measurement from the Select Input Type configuration screen, tap Humidity > Next. The Analog Input x Settings configuration screen appears. You can select the engineering units, voltage, or current input range for the connected sensor.
  2. If you use the humidity input for a humidity control scheme, tap Next at the popup to open the Setpoint Entry Configuration screen where you can enter a target humidity setpoint.
  3. Map the humidity input to one of the analog outputs configured for PID control mode.