- From the Alarms Setup menu, tap Enable Alarms to open the Alarm Enable Settings configuration popup.
- You can individually enable each of the universal analog inputs and the two dedicated thermistor inputs for visual alarming at this configuration screen.
An analog input or thermistor input enabled for alarming at the Alarm Enable Settings configuration screen reports their alarm statuses visually and independent of their audible alarm enable settings. There are three alarm status conditions, each represented by a distinct background color on the display:
- Normal status: indicates that the monitored input is within its normal operating range and is indicated by a green background.
- Warning status: indicates that the monitored input has drifted outside of its normal operating range, but has not yet exceeded the alarm setpoints. This status condition is indicated by a yellow background, and does not sound the audible alarm regardless of the enable settings.
- Alarm status: indicates that the monitored input exceeds the alarm setpoints and is indicated by a red background.
If the monitored fume hood is currently in Decommissioned operating mode, then the visual alarming is temporarily disabled for the face velocity input only, and is indicated by a blue background.
While the HMS1655 is in Decommissioned operating mode, the audible alarms and the alarm relay are disabled and not activated. However, the current face velocity reading continues to appear on the main display. If the sash position and temperature are displayed on the main screen and are enabled for alarming, their status is indicated on the main screen with the same philosophy as the sidewall input.
If the temperature enters the warning zone based on its alarm setpoints, the background on the temperature line of the display turns yellow to indicate the warning status. Similarly, if the sash position exceeds the alarm setpoint and enters alarm status, the background on the sash position line of the display turns red to indicate the alarm status.