Setting up the exhaust damper control output - Triatek - LIT-12014409 - HMS1655 Fume Hood Controller

HMS1655 Fume Hood Controller User Guide

Controls > Fume Hood Controls > HMS1655 Fume Hood Controller
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The Analog Output option on the Controller Setup menus enables configuration of the exhaust damper control output as required by the specific application. This option opens the Analog Output Settings configuration screen. You can configure each of the four analog outputs of the HMS1655 for one of two operating modes: Direct Analog Output or PID Analog Output. The direct analog output or proportional mode enables the output to track the mapped analog input directly or inversely. The PID mode employs the proportional-integral-derivative scheme for closed-loop control of the analog output. Independent of the mode for which the analog output configures, the range of the output may or may not include an offset. The 0 V to 5 V, 0 V to 10 V, 0 mA to 20 mA range enables the analog output to swing from zero to the maximum specified by the hardware DIP switch selection, while the 1 V to 5V, 2V to 10V, 4 mA to 0 mA range includes an offset from zero.

When the operation mode and output range are specified, the next Analog Output Setup configuration screen prompts you to specify the minimum and maximum limits for the analog output in percentage. The default minimum and maximum are 0% and 100%, respectively. This keeps the analog output within a predetermined voltage or current output range.
  • To open the last Analog Output Settings configuration screen, tap Next.
You can specify the analog input to map this analog output and select the action mode for the analog output. The default setting uses AI-1 face velocity as the analog input channel for the analog output exhaust damper. The action mode determines the direction in which the output drives based on the sensor input (AI-1), and defaults to Direct Acting.