Diagnostics - Triatek - LIT-12014409 - HMS1655 Fume Hood Controller

HMS1655 Fume Hood Controller User Guide

Controls > Fume Hood Controls > HMS1655 Fume Hood Controller
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User Guide
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The Diagnostics menus incorporate several options to provide information specific to this particular HMS1655 unit, as well as options to assist in the troubleshooting of the unit during the installation or commissioning process. You can use the Overrides option on the Diagnostics menu to manually override analog outputs and relay outputs independently to assist with verification of the correct operation or allocation of the controller resources. Two options provide support for zero-calibrating the HMS1655 when it is installed to ensure maximum accuracy of the displayed face velocity readings.

To further assist with troubleshooting the HMS1655 in the installation and commissioning phase, use the Real-Time View option to view the real-time conditions of each of the resources included on the HMS1655 controller. This includes the analog input values and their actual voltages, the analog outputs in percentage, the analog input and output pairs along with the corresponding setpoint, the digital inputs, the digital outputs, the alarm statuses, and the network variables. If you need to reset the HMS1655 without removal of power from the unit, the Reset Controller option on the Diagnostics menus performs a soft reboot of both the controller and display modules.