Modbus Registers - PENN Controls - VFD68Bxx - VFD68Cxx - VFD68Dxx - Three‐Phase Motor Speed Controller - VFD68 Three‐Phase Variable Frequency Drive

VFD68 Variable Frequency Drives Technical Bulletin

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Technical Bulletin
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Table 1. System Environment Variable
Register Definition Read/Write Remarks
40002 VFD Reset Write Any value can be written.
40003 Parameter Clear Write Set H965A as a written value.
40004 All Parameters Clear Write Set H965A as a written value.
40006 Parameter Clear1 Write Set H965A as a written value.
40007 All Parameters Clear1 Write Set H965A as a written value.
40009 VFD Status/Control Input Instruction2 Read/Write See below.2
40010 Operation Mode/VFD Setting3 Read/Write See below.3
40014 Running Frequency (RAM Value) Read/Write According to the P. 37 settings, the frequency and selectable speed are in 1 rotation/minute increments.
40015 Running Frequency (EEPROM Value) Write
Table 2. VFD Status
Bit Definition
Control Input Instruction VFD Status
0 Stop command RUN (VFD operational)4
1 forward rotation command Forward rotation
2 reverse rotation command During reverse rotation
3 RH (high-speed operation command)5 SU (up-to-frequency)
4 RM (middle-speed operation command)5 OL (overload)
5 RL (low-speed operation command)5 0
6 0 FU (frequency detection)
7 RT (second function selection) ABC (fault) 1
8 AU (terminal 4 input selection) 0
9 0 0
10 MRS (output stop) 0
11 0 0
12 0 0
13 0 0
14 0 0
15 0 Fault occurrence
Table 3. Real-Time Monitor
Register Description Unit
40201 Output Frequency/Speed 0.01 Hz6
40202 Output Current 0.01 A
40203 Output Voltage 0.1 V
40205 Output Frequency/Speed Setting 0.01 Hz/1 1
40208 Converter Output Voltage 0.1 V
40209 Regenerative Brake Duty 0.1%
40210 Electronic Thermal Relay Function Load Factor 0.1%
40211 Output Current Peak Value 0.01 A
40212 Converter Output Voltage Peak Value 0.1 V
40214 Output Power 0.01 kW
40215 Input Terminal Status7
40216 Output Terminal Status7
40220 Cumulative Energization Time 1 h
40223 Actual Operation Time 1 h
40224 Motor Load Factor 0.1%
40225 Cumulative Power 1 kWh
40252 PID Setpoint 0.1%
40253 PID Measured Value 0.1%
40254 PID Deviation 0.1%
40261 Motor Thermal Load Factor 0.1%
40262 VFD Thermal Load Factor 0.1%
40263 Cumulative Power 2 0.01 kWh
40264 PTC Thermistor Resistance 0.01 k
Table 4. Input and Output Terminal Status Monitor
  b15 to b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
Input Terminal Monitor Details RH RM RL STR STF
Output Terminal Monitor Details ABC RUN
Table 5. Parameter
Parameter Register Parameter Name Read/Write Remarks
P. 0 to P.999 41000 to 41999 See the VFD68Bxx and VFD68Cxx Drive Basic and Advanced Parameters and VFD68Dxx Drive Parameters for the parameter names. Read/Write The parameter number +41000 is the register number.
C 2 (P.902) 41902 Terminal 2 Frequency Setting Bias Frequency Read/Write  
C 3 (P.902) 42092 Terminal 2 Frequency Setting Bias (Analog Value) Read/Write The analog value (%) set to C 3 (P.902) is read.
43092 Terminal 2 Frequency Setting Bias (Terminal Analog Value) Read The analog value (%) of the voltage (current) applied to terminal 2 is read.
P.125 (P.903) 41903 Terminal 2 Frequency Setting Gain Frequency Read/Write  
C 4 (P.903) 42903 Terminal 2 Frequency Setting Gain (Analog Value) Read/Write The analog value (%) set to C 4 (P.903) is read.
43903 Terminal 2 Frequency Setting Gain (Terminal Analog Value) Read The analog value (%) of the voltage (current) applied to terminal 2 is read.
C 5 (P.904) 41904 Terminal 4 Frequency Setting Bias Frequency Read/Write  
C 6 (P.904) 42904 Terminal 4 Frequency Setting Bias (Analog Value) Read/Write The analog value (%) set to C 6 (P.904) is read.
43904 Terminal 4 Frequency Setting Bias (Terminal Analog Value) Read The analog value (%) of the voltage (current) applied to terminal 4 is read.
P.126 (P.905) 41905 Terminal 4 Frequency Setting Gain Frequency Read/Write  
C 7 (P.905) 42905 Terminal 4 Frequency Setting Gain (Analog Value) Read/Write The analog value (%) set to C 7 (P.905) is read.
43905 Terminal 4 Frequency Setting Gain (Terminal Analog Value) Read The analog value (%) of the voltage (current) applied to terminal 4 is read.
Table 6. Faults History
Register Definition Read/Write Remarks
40501 Fault History 1 Read/Write Data is 2-bytes long, so is stored as H00OO.

Refer to the lowest 1-byte for the error code.

Perform write using the register 40501 batch-clears the faults history.

Set any value as data.

40502 Fault History 2 Read
40503 Fault History 3 Read
40504 Fault History 4 Read
40505 Fault History 5 Read
40506 Fault History 6 Read
40507 Fault History 7 Read
40508 Fault History 8 Read
Table 7. Faults Code List
Data Definition Data Definition Data Definition
H00 No fault present H31 E.THM HB0 E.PE
H12 E.OC3 H70 E.BE HC4 E.CDO
H20 E.OV1 H80 E.GF HC5 E.IOH
H21 E.OV2 H81 E.LF HC7 E.AIE
H30 E.THT H91 E.PTC HF5 E.5
1 The communication parameter values are not cleared.
2 For write, set data as the control input instruction. For read, data is read as a VFD operating status.
3 For write, set data as the operation mode setting. For read, data is read as the operation mode status.
4 The signal within parenthesis is the initial setting. Definitions change according to the settings for P.180 to P182.
5 The signal within the parenthesis is the initial setting. Definitions change according to the settings for P.190 and P.192.
6 When P. 37 = 0.01 to 9998, this displays as an integer number.
7 See Table 4.