Write Holding Register Data (H06 or 06) - PENN Controls - VFD68Bxx - VFD68Cxx - VFD68Dxx - Three‐Phase Motor Speed Controller - VFD68 Three‐Phase Variable Frequency Drive

VFD68 Variable Frequency Drives Technical Bulletin

Product name
VFD68 Three‐Phase Variable Frequency Drive
Document type
Technical Bulletin
Document revision
Revision date
Part number

The following tables contain a query message directed to the VFD68 subordinate instructing a write to a register address (parameter value) using the 2 byte preset data, followed by the VFD68 response message (Table 1 through Table 4).

Table 1. Query Message
Subordinate Address Function Register Address Preset Data CRC Check
(8 bit) H06

(8 bit)


(8 bit)


(8 bit)


(8 bit)


(8 bit)


(8 bit)


(8 bit)

Table 2. Normal Response (Response Message)
Subordinate Address Function Register Address Preset Data CRC Check
(8 bit) H06

(8 bit)


(8 bit)


(8 bit)


(8 bit)


(8 bit)


(8 bit)


(8 bit)

Table 3. Query Message Setting
Message Setting Description
Subordinate Address Address to which the message will be sent. Setting address to 0 enables broadcast communication.
Function Set H06
Register Address Address of holding register to which data will be written

Register address = holding register address (decimal)-40001

For example, setting the register address 0001 reads the data of the holding register 40002.

Preset Data Data that will be written to the holding register. The written data is always 2 bytes.
Table 4. Description of Normal Response1
Message Setting Description
Subordinate Address Address to which the message is sent. Setting address to 0 enables broadcast communication.
Function Set H06
Register Address Address of holding register to which data is written

Register address = holding register address (decimal)-40001

For example, setting the register address 0001 reads the data of the holding register 40002.

Preset Data Data that is written to the holding register. The written data is always 2 bytes.
1 Subordinate address, function, register address, preset data, and CRC check of the normal response are identical to those of the query message. No response is made for broadcast communication.