VFD68Bxx and VFD68Cxx Drives - PENN Controls - VFD68Bxx - VFD68Cxx - VFD68Dxx - Three‐Phase Motor Speed Controller - VFD68 Three‐Phase Variable Frequency Drive

VFD68 Variable Frequency Drives Technical Bulletin

Product name
VFD68 Three‐Phase Variable Frequency Drive
Document type
Technical Bulletin
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Figure 1. Connecting Two Ratiometric Transducers

Figure 2. Motor Speed versus Pressure Ramp for 0–750 PSI Transducer

PL = 262 PSI; PH = 420 PSI; C 3, C 4, C 6, and C 7 use default settings.

Figure 3. Motor Speed versus Pressure Ramp for 0–50 PSI Transducer Used in a Reverse Acting Mode (RA Mode)

Figure 4. Connecting Two 0–10V Output Transducers

Figure 5. Motor Speed versus Pressure Ramp for 0–500 PSI Transducer

PL = 170 PSI; PH = 260 PSI; Calculate new values for C 3 and C 4. When connecting a second P499V transducer, then also change Parameter C 6 to 3.4V and change C 7 to 5.2V.

Figure 6. Connecting One 4–20 mA Output Transducer

Figure 7. Motor Speed versus Pressure Ramp for 0–500 PSI 4–20 mA Transducer