TC3224N9V status - PENN Controls - LIT-12013523 - TC3221 - TC3222 - TC3223 - TC3224N9R - Electronic Refrigeration, Defrost, and Multi-Purpose Controller - TC Series Panel-Mount Refrigeration Controller

TC3 Modbus Protocol Reference Guide

Refrigeration > Refrigeration Controls > TC Series Panel-Mount Refrigeration Controller
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Reference Guide
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Revision date

For Modbus protocol information about status, see the following tables.

Table 1. Next defrost counter
Item Label Modbus address (Base 0) Modbus address (Base 1) Modbus access Measure unit Maximum Minimum
Next defrost counter 2886h HR:10375 RW 0 65535
Table 2. Status
Item Label Modbus address (Base 0) Modbus address (Base 1) Modbus access Measure unit Maximum Minimum
On or standby 0501h HR:1282 RW 0=Standby mode 1=On
Defrost phase 0557h.Bits8-11 HR:1368.Bits8-11 R 0=--- 4=Fan stop
0 ---
1 Defrost
2 Pre-dripping
3 Dripping
4 Fan stop
Defrost command 28B0h HR:10417 W Defrost command
0Ch Stop defrost 0Ch
0Dh Start defrost 0Dh
Remote energy saving 2907h HR:10504 RW 0=Inactive 1=Active
Time to next defrost 0559h HR:1370 R (0.25 resolution)
Time to defrost end 055Ah HR:1371 R
Light status 0502h HR:1283 RW 0=Off 1=On
Auxiliary status 0503h HR:1284 RW 0=Off 1=On
Heater status 0504h HR:1285 RW 0=Off 1=On
Setpoint 0558h HR:1369 R °C (0.1 resolution)
Energy saving for door inactivity 28C4h.Bit9 HR:10437.Bit9 RW 0 1
Energy saving 28C6h.Bit1 HR:10439.Bit1 RW 0 1
Overcooling 28C6h.Bit12 HR:10439.Bit12 RW 0 1
Service request 28C6h.Bit10 HR:10439.Bit10 RW 0 1
Setpoint reached 28C4h.Bit11 HR:10437.Bit11 RW 0 1
Adaptive defrost calibration done 28C4h.Bit14 HR:10437.Bit14 R
Pull down done 28C4h.Bit10 HR:10437.Bit10 R
Table 3. RTC
Item Label Modbus address (Base 0) Modbus address (Base 1) Modbus access Measure unit Maximum Minimum
Current time 2850h - 2853h.bits mask[FFFFFFFFh] HR:10321 - 10324.bits mask[FFFFFFFFh] RW