TC3224N9V parameters - PENN Controls - LIT-12013523 - TC3221 - TC3222 - TC3223 - TC3224N9R - Electronic Refrigeration, Defrost, and Multi-Purpose Controller - TC Series Panel-Mount Refrigeration Controller

TC3 Modbus Protocol Reference Guide

Refrigeration > Refrigeration Controls > TC Series Panel-Mount Refrigeration Controller
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Reference Guide
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For Modbus protocol information about parameters, see the following tables.

Table 1. Setpoint
Item Label Modbus address (Base 0) Modbus address (Base 1) Modbus access Measure unit Maximum Minimum
Setpoint SP 0601h HR:1538 RW °C (0.1 resolution) -99 199
Table 2. Measure input configuration
Item Label Modbus address (Base 0) Modbus address (Base 1) Modbus access Measure unit Maximum Minimum
Calibration Probe 1 CA1 0603h HR:1540 RW °C (0.1 resolution) -25 25
Calibration Probe 2 CA2 0604h HR:1541 RW °C (0.1 resolution) -25 25
Calibration Probe 3 CA3 0605h HR:1542 RW °C (0.1 resolution) -25 25
Type of probe P0 0606h HR:1543 RW 0=PTC 1=NTC
Decimal point P1 0607h HR:1544 RW 0=No 1=Yes
Celsius or Fahrenheit P2 0608h HR:1545 RW 0=°C 1=°F
Evaporator probe configuration P3 0609h HR:1546 RW 0=Disabled 2=Fan
0 Disabled
1 Defrost_Fan
2 Fan
Fourth input configuration P4 060Ah HR:1547 RW 0=Multifunction input 3=Output air
0 Multifunction input
1 Condensator
2 Critical temperature
3 Output air
Value displayed in the main display P5 060Bh HR:1548 RW 0=Probe 4=Input air
0 Probe
1 Setpoint
2 Evaporator probe
3 Third probe
4 Input air
Calculated product temperature (CPT) factor P7 060Ch HR:1549 RW 0 10
Display refresh time P8 060Dh HR:1550 RW 1/10 sec 0 250
Table 3. Control
Item Label Modbus address (Base 0) Modbus address (Base 1) Modbus access Measure unit Maximum Minimum
Setpoint differential r0 060Eh HR:1551 RW °C (0.1 resolution) 0.1 15
Minimum setpoint r1 060Fh HR:1552 RW °C (0.1 resolution) -99 199
Maximum setpoint r2 0610h HR:1553 RW °C (0.1 resolution) -99 199
Energy saving set point, relative r4 0611h HR:1554 RW °C (0.1 resolution) 0 99
Cooling or heating operaton r5 0612h HR:1555 RW 0=Cooling 1=Heating
Setpoint offset in overcooling or overheating r6 0613h HR:1556 RW °C (0.1 resolution) 0 99
Overcooling or overheating duration r7 0614h HR:1557 RW min 0 240
Down key configuration r8 0615h HR:1558 RW 0=None 2=Energy saving
0 None
1 Overcooling or overheating
2 Energy saving
r0 type r12 0616h HR:1559 RW 0=asymmetric 1=symmetric
Up key configuration r13 0617h HR:1560 RW 0=None 1=Auxiliary
Table 4. Compressor protection
Item Label Modbus address (Base 0) Modbus address (Base 1) Modbus access Measure unit Maximum Minimum
Power-on delay C0 0618h HR:1561 RW min 0 240
Delay since last deactivation C2 0619h HR:1562 RW min 0 240
Minimum time compressor on C3 061Ah HR:1563 RW sec 0 240
Time compressor turned off during probe failure C4 061Bh HR:1564 RW min 0 240
Time compressor turned on during probe failure C5 061Ch HR:1565 RW min 0 240
Set point for COH alarm C6 061Dh HR:1566 RW °C (0.1 resolution) 0 199
Set point for CSd alarm C7 061Eh HR:1567 RW °C (0.1 resolution) 0 199
CSd alarm delay C8 061Fh HR:1568 RW min 0 15
Compressor hours for service request C10 0620h HR:1569 RW 100h 0 999
Second compressor activation delay C11 0621h HR:1570 RW sec 0 240
Number of startups for compressor rotation C13 0622h HR:1571 RW 0 100
Table 5. Defrost
Item Label Modbus address (Base 0) Modbus address (Base 1) Modbus access Measure unit Maximum Minimum
Defrost lag d0 0623h HR:1572 RW h 0 99
Defrost type d1 0624h HR:1573 RW 0=Heaters 2=Stop compressor
0 Heaters
1 Gas
2 Stop compressor
Defrost cutoff temperature d2 0625h HR:1574 RW °C (0.1 resolution) -99 99
Defrost maximum time d3 0626h HR:1575 RW min 0 99
Defrost from power-on d4 0627h HR:1576 RW 0=No 1=Yes
Defrost delay from power-on d5 0628h HR:1577 RW min 0 99
Data displayed during defrost d6 0629h HR:1578 RW 0=Probe 2=Label from the dEF parameter
0 Probe
1 Limited in defrost
2 Label from the dEF parameter
Dripping time d7 062Ah HR:1579 RW min 0 15
Type of defrost interval d8 062Bh HR:1580 RW 0=Time 4=Real time
0 Time
1 Compressor hours
2 d9 threshold
3 Adaptive
4 Real time
Stop counter threshold d9 062Ch HR:1581 RW °C (0.1 resolution) -99 99
Enable defrost timeout alarm d11 062Dh HR:1582 RW 0=Disabled 1=Enabled
Minimum time compressor on for gas defrost d15 062Eh HR:1583 RW min 0 99
Pre-dripping time, defrost relay on d16 062Fh HR:1584 RW min 0 99
Time for adaptive defrost, d8=3 d18 0630h HR:1585 RW min 0 999
Temperature threshold for adaptive defrost, d8=3 d19 0631h HR:1586 RW °C (0.1 resolution) 0 40
Maximum time for safety defrost in normal operation d20 0632h HR:1587 RW min 0 999
Maximum time for safety defrost in pull down d21 0633h HR:1588 RW min 0 500
Evaporation threshold for adaptive defrost interval counting, relative to optimal evaporation temperature d22 0634h HR:1589 RW °C (0.1 resolution) -10 10
Table 6. Temperature alarms
Item Label Modbus address (Base 0) Modbus address (Base 1) Modbus access Measure unit Maximum Minimum
Alarm probe AA 0635h HR:1590 RW 0=Cabinet probe 2=Third probe
0 Cabinet probe
1 Evaporator probe
2 Third probe
Minimum alarm threshold A1 0636h HR:1591 RW °C (0.1 resolution) -99 99
Minimum alarm type A2 0637h HR:1592 RW 0=Disabled 2=Absolute
0 Disabled
1 Relative
2 Absolute
Maximum alarm threshold A4 0638h HR:1593 RW °C (0.1 resolution) -99 99
Maximum alarm type A5 0639h HR:1594 RW 0=Disabled 2=Absolute
0 Disabled
1 Relative
2 Absolute
Alarm delay from power-on A6 063Ah HR:1595 RW 10 Minutes 0 99
Alarm delay A7 063Bh HR:1596 RW min 0 240
High temperature alarm delay after defrost A8 063Ch HR:1597 RW min 0 240
High temperature alarm delay after door closing A9 063Dh HR:1598 RW min 0 240
Minimum time for power failure alarm A10 063Eh HR:1599 RW min 0 240
Histeresys alarms regulator A11 063Fh HR:1600 RW °C (0.1 resolution) 0.1 15
High or low temperature alarms reset differential A12 0640h HR:1601 RW 0=LED LED and power failure label; buzzer if the duration is more than A10
1 LED, power failure label, and buzzer
2 LED and power failure label; buzzer if the duration is more than A10
Buzzer configuration A13 0641h HR:1602 RW 0=Disabled 1=Enabled
Table 7. Fans
Item Label Modbus address (Base 0) Modbus address (Base 1) Modbus access Measure unit Maximum Minimum
Fan activity during normal operation F0 0642h HR:1603 RW 0=Off 4=Thermoregulated with F1 if compressor on
0 Off
1 On
2 Behaves according to F15 and F16 if compressor off; On if compressor on
3 Thermoregulated with F1
4 Thermoregulated with F1 if compressor on
Fan setpoint F1 0643h HR:1604 RW °C (0.1 resolution) -99 99
Fan activity during defrost F2 0644h HR:1605 RW 0=Off 2=F0
0 Off
1 On
2 F0
Fan-stop time F3 0645h HR:1606 RW min 0 15
Time evaporator fans off during energy saving F4 0646h HR:1607 RW 10sec 0 240
Time evaporator fans on during energy saving F5 0647h HR:1608 RW 10sec 0 240
Fan-stop temperature cutoff, relative F7 0648h HR:1609 RW °C (0.1 resolution) -99 99
Fan delay switching off F9 0649h HR:1610 RW sec 0 240
Condenser fans set point F11 064Ah HR:1611 RW °C (0.1 resolution) 0 99
Condenser fans switch-off delay F12 064Bh HR:1612 RW sec 0 240
Time evaporator fans off with compressor off F15 064Ch HR:1613 RW sec 0 240
Time evaporator fans on with compressor off F16 064Dh HR:1614 RW sec 0 240
Table 8. Digital inputs
Item Label Modbus address (Base 0) Modbus address (Base 1) Modbus access Measure unit Maximum Minimum
Digital input 1 action i0 064Eh HR:1615 RW 0=None 6=Reserved
0 None
1 Compressor and evaporator fan off
2 Evaporator fan off
3 Cabinet light on
4 Compressor and evaporator fan off, cabinet light on
5 Evaporator fan off, cabinet light on
6 Reserved
Digital input 1 polarity i1 064Fh HR:1616 RW 0=Active contact closed 1=Active contact opened
Open door alarm delay i2 0650h HR:1617 RW min -1 120
Maximum duration of door switch i3 0651h HR:1618 RW min -1 120
Multifunction digital input action i5 0652h HR:1619 RW 0=None 6=th alarm
0 None
1 Energy saving
2 Warning
3 AuxOn
4 Standby mode
5 Cth alarm
6 th alarm
Multifunction digital input polarity i6 0653h HR:1620 RW 0=Active contact closed 1=Active contact opened
Multifunction alarm delay i7 0654h HR:1621 RW min -1 120
Duration with door closed before energy saving starts i10 0655h HR:1622 RW min 0 999
Number of door openings before safety defrost starts i13 0656h HR:1623 RW 0 240
Duration with door open before safety defrost starts i14 0657h HR:1624 RW min 0 240
Table 9. Output configuration
Item Label Modbus address (Base 0) Modbus address (Base 1) Modbus access Measure unit Maximum Minimum
K4 configuration u1 0658h HR:1625 RW 0=Cabinet light 8=Second compressor
0 Cabinet light
1 Heaters
2 Auxiliary
3 Alarm
4 Door heaters
5 Neutral zone
6 Condenser fans
7 On or standby
8 Second compressor
Light enabled in standby u2 0659h HR:1626 RW 0=Disabled 1=Enabled
Alarm output off if alarm mute u4 065Ah HR:1627 RW 0=No 1=Yes
Threshold for door heaters on u5 065Bh HR:1628 RW °C (0.1 resolution) -99 99
Anti-fog output on duration u6 065Ch HR:1629 RW min 1 120
Neutral zone temperature u7 065Dh HR:1630 RW °C (0.1 resolution) -99 99
Table 10. Energy saving configuration
Item Label Modbus address (Base 0) Modbus address (Base 1) Modbus access Measure unit Maximum Minimum
Energy saving maximum duration HE2 065Fh HR:1632 RW min 0 999
Energy saving time H01 0660h HR:1633 RW h 0 23
Energy saving duration H02 0661h HR:1634 RW h 0 24
Holiday HEd 0662h HR:1635 RW 0=Monday 7=None
0 Monday
1 Tuesday
2 Wednesday
3 Thursday
4 Friday
5 Saturday
6 Sunday
7 None
Table 11. Real-time defrost
Item Label Modbus address (Base 0) Modbus address (Base 1) Modbus access Measure unit Maximum Minimum
Defrost 1 starting time Hd1 0663h HR:1636 RW h 0 24
Defrost 2 starting time Hd2 0664h HR:1637 RW h 0 24
Defrost 3 starting time Hd3 0665h HR:1638 RW h 0 24
Defrost 4 starting time Hd4 0666h HR:1639 RW h 0 24
Defrost 5 starting time Hd5 0667h HR:1640 RW h 0 24
Defrost 6 starting time Hd6 0668h HR:1641 RW h 0 24
Enable On/standby key POF 0669h HR:1642 RW 0=Disabled 1=Enabled
UI password PAS 066Ah HR:1643 RW -99 999
Table 12. RTC
Item Label Modbus address (Base 0) Modbus address (Base 1) Modbus access Measure unit Maximum Minimum
RTC configuration Hr0 066Bh HR:1644 RW 0=Disabled 1=Enabled
Table 13. Modbus configuration
Item Label Modbus address (Base 0) Modbus address (Base 1) Modbus access Measure unit Maximum Minimum
Address LA 066Ch HR:1645 RW 1 247
Baud rate Lb 066Dh HR:1646 RW 0=2400 3=19200
0 2400
1 4800
2 9600
3 19200