Reset Control Features - PENN Controls - LIT-1900658 - C450RBN - C450RCN - System 450 Multi-Purpose Modular Control System - C450RBN Reset Control Module One Relay Output - C450RCN Reset Control Module Two Relay Outputs

System 450 Reset Control Modules with Real-Time Clock and Relay Output Catalog Page

Controls > Multi-Purpose Modular Controls > C450RCN Reset Control Module Two Relay Outputs
Controls > Multi-Purpose Modular Controls > C450RBN Reset Control Module One Relay Output
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  • Adjustable minimum and maximum setpoint temperatures (reset control modules only) enable compliance with the manufacturer’s specifications for your controlled HVAC/R and process equipment.
  • Selectable shutdown-high and shutdown-low temperature settings (reset control modules only) saves you energy by shutting down controlled equipment when the ambient temperature either rises or drops to a point where heating or cooling is no longer required.
  • Real time clock and adjustable setback temperature (reset control modules only) save you energy by setting back heating, cooling, or humidity setpoints during scheduled unoccupied periods (24-hour day, 7-day week schedule).
  • User-defined reset control capability (reset control modules only) saves you energy in a wide variety of temperature and humidity reset control applications by adjusting the temperature or humidity control loop, based on changes in ambient outdoor temperature or other uncontrolled condition.