Features and benefits - PENN Controls - LIT-1900935 - A421ABD - A421AED - Electronic Temperature Control - A421 Series Electronic Temperature Control

A421 Series Electronic Temperature Controls with Off-Cycle Defrost Catalog Page

Controls > Electromechanical Temperature Controls > A421 Series Electronic Temperature Control
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Control front panel LCD
Displays the temperature, parameters, and status. You can adjust the backlight intensity for ambient light conditions. Custom icons display the system and control status.
Basic and Advanced programming menu
Provides two levels of parameter adjustment and control. You can set up advanced features in one menu and adjust basic parameters in the other menu.
Off-Cycle defrost
Shut off the refrigeration system for defined defrost time interval and frequency. You can also start or stop a manual only defrost off-cycle.
On/Off temperature adjustment
Select the temperature values at which the relay turns on and off and automatically define the mode of operation.
Switch-activated temperature setback
Shift the On/Off temperature by an adjustable setback. When a user-supplied switch closes the binary input control circuit, temperature setback is enabled.
Adjustable anti-short cycle delay (ASd)
Select the minimum time the output relay remains off before the next on-cycle. By selecting this minimal time, you can avoid short cycling, hard starts, and nuisance overload outages on compressors and other inductive applications.
Adjustable sensor offset
Adjust the displayed temperature to the actual sensed temperature.
Optional restricted adjustment mode
Restrict the On/Off adjustment to your defined temperature range.
Sensor failure mode
Run the control continuously in the event of a sensor or sensor wire failure or to shut it down.
Backlight brightness level
Adjust the brightness of the backlighting of the LCD screen. The backlight brightness level is applied during normal operation. When you set up or adjust the parameters, the LCD automatically goes to the brightest level.