Applications - PENN Controls - LIT-125125 - A28G - Electromechanical Temperature Control - A28 and A36 Multi-Stage Temperature Control

A28G Series Two-Stage Temperature Controls Without Enclosure Product Bulletin

Document type
Product Bulletin
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Revision date
Figure 1. A28GA temperature control with calibrated dial and pointer
Callout Description
A High temperature stage
B Low temperature stage
C Jumper

A28GA Series two-stage open type temperature controls are designed for you to install in units that already include a case or enclosure. The controls cover a broad range of general purpose operating temperature control applications in the refrigeration, air conditioning, and heating fields. Two single-pole, double-throw (SPDT) switches facilitate two independent control circuits. You can wire each switch for open high or close high action, to create automatic changeover for heating and cooling applications or similar requirements.

Models are available with a close differential on each switch. The controls include a jumper across the common terminals as standard. Models are available with fixed or adjustable between-stage differentials.

Important: Use the A28 control only as an operating control. Where failure or malfunction of the control could lead to personal injury or property damage to the controlled equipment or other property, additional precautions must be designed into the control system. Incorporate and maintain other devices, such as supervisory or alarm systems or safety or limit controls, intended to warn of or protect against failure or malfunction of the control.