Selection chart - PENN Controls - LIT-1927110 - A28AA - A28AB - A28AJ - Electromechanical Temperature Control - A28 Series Two-Stage Temperature Control

A28AA, A28AB, and A28AJ Series Two-Stage Temperature Control Catalog Page

Controls > Electromechanical Temperature Controls > A28 Series Two-Stage Temperature Control
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Table 1. Selection chart
Product code number Switch action Range °F (°C) Differential °F (°C) Bulb and capillary

Bulb well

Order separately

Range adjuster
Coiled bulb, with fixed differential
A28AA-4C Two SPDT switches 30 to 110

(-1 to 43)

3-1/2 (1.9) each stage

3 (1.7) fixed between stages

1-3/8 in. x 2-1/4 in. coiled Convertible
Wide range, with adjustable inter-stage differential
A28AA-28C Two SPDT switches 30 to 110

(-1 to 43)

3-1/2 (1.9) each stage

2 to 7 adjustable between stages

12 ft averaging bulb

6 ft capillary

Screwdriver slot
A28AA-29C Two SPDT switches -30 to 100

(-34 to 38)

5 (2.8) each stage

2 to 7 adjustable between stages

3/8 in. x 4 in.

8 ft capillary

Note: For direct immersion, order packing nut assembly FTG13A-600R, at extra cost.
WEL14A-602R Convertible
A28AA-36C Two SPDT switches 40 to 90

(4 to 32)

3 each stage

2 to 7 adjustable between stages

3/8 in. x 5-3/4 in.

6 ft capillary

A28AA-37C Two SPDT switches 60 to 140

(16 to 60)

5 each stage

2 to 7 adjustable between stages

3/8 in. x 4 in.

6 ft capillary

WEL14A-602R Knob
A28AJ-4C Two SPDT switches 20 to 80

(-7 to 27)

2 each stage

2 to 7 adjustable between stages

3/16 in. x 22 in.

6 ft capillary

Changeover control

Two SPDT switches

The switches are within 1°F (0.6°C) of each other.

20 to 80

(-7 to 27)



3/8 in. x 5 in.

6 ft capillary

WEL14A-603R Screwdriver slot
Table 2. Replacement parts
Product code number Description
CVR28A-617R Concealed adjustment
CVR28A-618R Visible scale
KNB20A-602R Knob kit