A dual-stacked connector serves as the FC Bus and SA Bus port on the PEAK OEM 18 controllers. The upper row on the connector is the FC Bus Port. The lower connector row is the SA Bus port.
The FC Bus connection is software switchable for BACnet MS/TP, Modbus subordinate mode, and N2 communication. Figure 1 shows the BACnet MS/TP connection and Figure 1 shows the Modbus connection for the three terminals. The Shield (SHD) is not required for Modbus.
When the FC Bus is configured for Modbus protocol, the PEAK controller connects to the network as a subordinate device. The Modbus register table is not standard but strictly depends on the application loaded on the controller. The Modbus table is generated during the application development phase.
The PEAK support team identifies the configuration and application for Modbus. The controllers are programmed based on OEM applications.