Configuring the BACnet Settings for the BAS - Metasys - Part No. 24-10143-1183 - SI-VRFCBN02-0Sx - Gateway/Router - VRF Smart Gateway - Release 1.2.1

VRF Smart Gateway Installation Guide

Network and Communications > Gateways and Routers > VRF Smart Gateway
Document type
Installation Guide
Document number
Part No. 24-10143-1183
Document revision
Rev. H
Release 1.2.1
Revision date

About this task

You must set the BACnet device settings for the VRF Smart Gateway to communicate with the BAS integration device over BACnet IP. The gateway assigns each VRF IDU and ODU a unique BACnet ID. The customer, the Facility Manager, or other person familiar with the BACnet network, must provide an open BACnet ID range to ensure that the gateway does not assign BACnet IDs that conflict with existing devices on the same network. The number of BACnet IDs that you require depends on the size of the system. The Facility Manager must identify where a range of BACnet IDs is available.

Note: For estimation on possible range needed, refer to the VRF Smart Gateway Users Guide (LIT-12012385) for more information.


  1. In the gateway UI, navigate to Settings > BACnet Gateway > Device Settings.
  2. In the Device ID field, enter the starting number for the range of available BACnet IDs.
  3. In the BACnet Network Address and BACnet IP (or UDP) Port fields, enter the corresponding settings that display in the BAS integration device. An example integration device is a Metasys NAE. The corresponding settings appear on the NAE's Focus View shown in the following figure. The default setting for the network address is 1001. The default setting for the BACnet UDP port is 47808.
    Figure 1. BACnet settings displayed in the NAE's Focus View

    Note: VRFSG gateway supports only UTF-8 encoding format. It will not support other encoding formats. While integrating with any third party BAS system then BAS system needs to configured to use UTF-8 encoding format only.
  4. Enter a unique value into the BACnet IP Virtual Network Address field for each VRF Smart Gateway on the BACnet network. Ensure value entered is also unique from any other BACnet devices using BACnet network addresses. The default value is 65001. Each VRF Smart Gateway requires a different number in this field. For example, enter 65001 in this field in the first gateway, and enter 65002 in this field in the second gateway.
  5. Click Save. You are prompted to restart the gateway now or postpone. If you have configured both the IP settings and the BACnet settings, restart now.