Working with Rows - Metasys - LIT-12011931 - MS-KNXN89-0 - MS-MBUSN89-0 - MS-MODBUSN89-0 - MS-NIE2910-0 - MS-NIE2916-0 - MS-NIE2920-0 - MS-NIE2926-0 - MS-NIE2960-0 - MS-NIE2966-0 - MS-NIE3910-2 - MS-NIE3920-2 - MS-NIE4910-2 - MS-NIE4920-2 - MS-NIE5920-2 - MS-NIE5960-2 - MS-NIE89SW-0 - MS-NIE89SW-6 - TL-NIE-DVD - Bulb controller - VMD Generator Express - 10

VMD Generator Express Application Note

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > VMD Generator Express
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Application Note
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You can move, cut, copy, and paste rows in the Points table by first highlighting the row, then selecting one of the Edit menu options: Cut, Copy, Paste, Move Up, or Move Down. You can also perform these operations by clicking the respective button in the Toolbar.

Figure 1. Toolbar Buttons