Using the Table Editor - Metasys - LIT-12011931 - MS-KNXN89-0 - MS-MBUSN89-0 - MS-MODBUSN89-0 - MS-NIE2910-0 - MS-NIE2916-0 - MS-NIE2920-0 - MS-NIE2926-0 - MS-NIE2960-0 - MS-NIE2966-0 - MS-NIE3910-2 - MS-NIE3920-2 - MS-NIE4910-2 - MS-NIE4920-2 - MS-NIE5920-2 - MS-NIE5960-2 - MS-NIE89SW-0 - MS-NIE89SW-6 - TL-NIE-DVD - Bulb controller - VMD Generator Express - 10

VMD Generator Express Application Note

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > VMD Generator Express
Document type
Application Note
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About this task

You can manipulate data in the Points table by using the Table Editor. For example, you can perform a global search and replace on any text that appears in any column of the Points table.


  1. Select View > Table Editor, or click the Table Editor toolbar button (Figure 1).
    Figure 1. Table Editor Toolbar Icon

    The Table Editor window appears (Figure 2).

    Figure 2. Table Editor

  2. In the Column Selection drop-down box, select which column you want to use for the action. You can select from the following columns: Unique ID, Description, Units, States Text, Display Precision, Function, Address, Data Type, Mathematical Function, Slope (m), Intercept (q), and Comment. The Action and Action Range fields pre-populate for you.
  3. In the Action drop-down box, select Find and Replace or Replace All.
  4. In the Action Range drop-down box, select Selected Cells or All Cells.
  5. In the Find field, make an appropriate entry depending on what type of data you are looking for. Either type in the value or select it from the drop-down box.
  6. In the Replace field, make an appropriate entry depending on what type of data you are replacing. Either type in the value or select it from the drop-down box.
  7. In the Append field, make an appropriate entry if one is required.
  8. Click Execute. The changes are made to the Points table, and a Results Report appears to summarize what was changed (Figure 3).
    Figure 3. Example of Results Report