Access Type - Metasys - LIT-1201528 - General System Information - Metasys System - 12.0

Security Administrator System Technical Bulletin

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Metasys System
Document type
Technical Bulletin
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Revision date

The Security Administrator system provides three types of access for user accounts: Standard Access, Tenant Access and API Access.

  • Standard Access: The Metasys local system user or Active Directory service user can access all authorized features of the online SMP UI and the SCT. Users can also access the Metasys UI.
    Note: If you have Standard Access and the Advanced Reporting privilege, you can use the Metasys Advanced Reporting System.
  • Tenant Access: The Metasys local system user or Active Directory service user can access all authorized features of the Metasys UI.
  • API Access: The Metasys local system user or Active Directory user can access the API, as well as all authorized features of the Metasys UI. API Access users can also access limited features of the SMP UI.

Administrators can assign access types for users on the User Properties tab of the Properties of User Operator dialog box. See Figure 1 and User Properties Tab – Metasys Local User.

Access types must meet the following requirements:

  • Each user account can have only one type of access to the Metasys system.
  • Users requiring Standard Access, Tenant Access, and API Access must have a separate user account for each access type with different user names.
  • A user who wants both a Metasys local account and an Active Directory service user account must have separate user accounts for each.
  • You can use a user account with Standard Access to log in to the online SMP UI, and the SCT.
  • When upgrading the Security Database from a version prior to Release 2.0, each user account defaults to the Standard Access type.
  • A user with a Metasys local account must select the Metasys Local option on the login screen for the SMP UI or the SCT. A user who is an Active Directory service user must select the appropriate domain name on the login screen.
  • Tenant users cannot be Metasys system administrators and cannot have any of the following system-level privileges:
    • System Configuration Tool (SCT)
    • Advanced Reporting (Metasys Advanced Reporting system)
    • Clear Audit History (clear audit log)