Database Connection Configuration Tool - Metasys - LIT-1201528 - General System Information - Metasys System - 12.0.50

Security Administrator System Technical Bulletin

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Metasys System
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Technical Bulletin
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The Database Connection Configuration Tool (DBCCT) is used to synchronize the SQL server login accounts and passwords embedded in the connection strings used by the Metasys components to connect to their respective SQL Server hosted repositories. The synchronization is necessary when the SQL server accounts are modified in SQL server, typically for security reasons. While you can use different SQL Server login account names, we do not recommend this practice. Using different SQL Server login account names may break other work flows, such as Metasys upgrades. The Metasys system is not tested with modified account names. Use the following workflow to change the accounts after installing the Metasys server.

Note: The ADS uses non-interfering SQL Login accounts and Windows services. Stop the ADS services for the ADS version of DBCCT.
  1. Stop the required Metasys services and app pools.
    Table 1. Metasys Services and App Pools
    Services to Stop Manually Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Services App Pools to Stop ManuallyControl Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
    Metasys ActionQ AuthenticationService_AppPool
    Metasys Device Manager ConfigService_AppPool
    Metasys.AuditService EventService_AppPool
    Metasys.Config.Ingestion FaultServiceAppPool
    Metasys.EventService FaultTriageAppPool
    Metasys.FaultService SchedulerService_AppPool
    Metasys.LicenseService TimeSeriesService
    Metasys.SchedulerService UI_AppPool
    Metasys.TimeSeriesService UserService_AppPool
    Metasys.Value.DataCollectorService ValueServiceAppPool
  2. Run the DBCCT to update the database connection strings of the components that use the modified accounts.
  3. In the SQL Server Management Studio, modify the password of the desired SQL Server login accounts.
  4. Reboot the server to restart the system. This is important to ensure that all the services start up again.

See Using the DBCCT for more information about Steps 2 and 3.