Creating a new SQL Server user - Metasys - LIT-12012240 - Server - SQL Server - 13.0.50

SQL Server Installation and Upgrade Guide

Product name
SQL Server
Document type
Installation Guide
Document number
Revision date
Product status

About this task


  1. Start SQL Server Management Studio for your version of SQL Server software.
  2. Enter the following:
    • Server type: Database Engine
    • Server name: This is the name of the database server (not the web/application server). If you are using a SQL Server instance other than MSSQLSERVER, include the SQL Server instance name in this format: computername\instancename.
    • Authentication: SQL Server Authentication
    • Login: existing SQL Server sa login (or another valid SQL Server login)
    • Password: existing SQL Server password for sa user (or another valid SQL Server password)
  3. Click Connect.
  4. Press F7 if the Object Explorer Details window in the right pane does not appear.
  5. In the tree in the left pane, under the database server, expand the Security folder and Logins folders.
  6. Right-click the Logins folder and select New Login.
  7. Select the SQL Server authentication method. Configure the parameters for the new SQL Server user according to your company policies and preferences. We offer the following recommendations:
    • Specify SSRSServiceAccount as the new user name.
    • Use a complex password for the SSRSServiceAccount user.
    • Make sure the Enforce password expiration is cleared.
    • Keep the Enforce password policy selection selected.
  8. Click OK. The new user is created.
  9. Close all windows.
  10. Go to Configuring SQL Server Reporting Services.