Configuring SQL Server Reporting Services - Metasys - LIT-12012240 - Server - SQL Server - 13.0.50

SQL Server Installation and Upgrade Guide

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SQL Server
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Installation Guide
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About this task

Follow these steps to use the SQL Server Reporting Services Configuration Manager to configure SQL Server Reporting Services.


  1. Use Windows Search to find and start Report Server Configuration Manager. The Report Server Configuration Connection dialog box appears.
    Figure 1. Instance Selection

    Note: If the Report Server Configuration Connection dialog box does not appear, you do not have SQL Server Reporting Services installed. For more information see Installing SQL Server Reporting Services for SQL Server 2017.
  2. In the Server Name field, click Find to navigate to the appropriate server.
  3. In the Report Server Instance field, select the correct SQL Server software instance name. Click Connect.
  4. In the Report Server Status pane, verify Started is in the Report Service Status entry.
    Figure 2. Report Server Status

  5. In the left pane, click Service Account. Verify Virtual Service Account is in the Use built-in account field and click Apply. The outcome of the action appears in the Results window.
  6. In the left pane, click Web Service URL. The warning icon indicates that the report server Web Service is not yet configured.
  7. Verify ReportServer is in the Virtual Directory field, accept the default values, and click Apply. The outcome of the action appears in the Results window.
    Figure 3. Web service URL
  8. In the left pane, click Database.
  9. In the right tab, click Change Database.
  10. In the Action tab, select Create a new report server database. Click Next.
    Figure 4. Create a new report server database
  11. In the Database Server tab, complete the following:
    1. In the Server Name field, type the name of the unified ADX server, or the database server if this is a split ADX. If you are using a SQL Server named instance other than MSSQLSERVER, add the SQL Server instance name in this format: computername\instancename.
    2. From the Authentication Type list, select one of the following:
      • Current User - Integrated Security if you logged in to the computer with the Administrator account. The Username and Password fields are dimmed.

      • SQL Server Account if you logged in to the computer with a user in the Administrative group. This selection is required on the web or application server of a split ADX with the Metasys Advanced Reporting System.

    3. If you selected SQL Server account, specify the username and password for the SQL server administrator (sa) account.
    4. Click Next.
    Figure 5. Connect to the database serve
  12. In the Database tab, complete the following:
    1. Verify the SQL Server Instance name is correct. If you used a named instance other than SSRS, the instance name is in either of these formats: Reports$instancename or Reports_instancename.
    2. Select Native for the Report Server Mode.
    3. Click Next.
    Figure 6. Database information
  13. In the Credentials tab, complete the following:
    1. From the Authentication Type list, select SQL Server Credentials.
    2. In the Username and Password fields, type the user name and password you created in Step 4 of Creating a new SQL Server user. The recommended user name is SSRSServiceAccount. For a split configuration, type the appropriate SA account and password.
    Figure 7. Credentials
  14. Click Next. Review the summary details, and click Next to create a new report server database.
  15. The configuration process begins and completes in a few minutes. Make sure the result for each configuration step is a success. If any configuration is not successful, refer to Microsoft Documentation for Reporting Services troubleshooting.
  16. Click Finish on the completion screen. The configured Report Server Database screen appears.
    Figure 8. Database configuration progress
  17. In the left pane, click Web Portal URL.
  18. The warning icon indicates that the Report Manager virtual directory name is not yet configured. In the Virtual Directory field, accept the default value or type a name, and click Apply. The outcome of the action appears in the Results window.
    Note: The configuration of SQL Server software for the Metasys Advanced Reporting System is complete.