Advanced Security Enabled - Metasys - LIT-12013352 - M4-SNE10500-0 - M4-SNE10501-0 - M4-SNE11000-0 - M4-SNE11001-0 - M4-SNE110L0-0 - M4-SNE110L1-0 - M4-SNE22000-0 - M4-SNE22001-0 - Supervisory Device - SNE10 Network Engine - SNE11 Network Engine - SNE22 Network Engine - SNE Supervisory Network Engine - 12.0

SNE Commissioning Guide

Network Engines > Network Control Engines > SNE22 Network Engine
Network Engines > Network Control Engines > SNE11 Network Engine
Document type
Commissioning Guide
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Product status

The Advanced Security Enabled setting, available only to Site Directors and network engines at Release 10.0 or later, indicates if the site uses the advanced security settings. This attribute provides an improved layer of security between Metasys Site Directors and network engines. With this attribute set to True, backward-compatible methods of communication between the Site Director and its network engines are disabled, which means a Site Director at Release 10.0 or later discards all communication attempts from network engines prior to Release 10.0. At Release 10.0, Advanced Security Enabled is defaulted to False. However, to provide for a higher level of security, the Advanced Security Enabled attribute is defaulted to True at Release 10.1 or later.

Figure 1. Advanced Security Enabled attribute for Site object

This setting applies to the entire site, so change this attribute to False if you have any network engines on the site that are running any release prior to Metasys Release 10.0. Otherwise, these older engines go offline to the Site Director.

Whenever you change this attribute from False to True, a user message appears to indicate that all network engines prior to Release 10.0 remain online, but are disconnected from the site because they no longer communicate with the Site Director.