BACnet time synchronization - Metasys - LIT-12013352 - M4-SNE10500-0 - M4-SNE10501-0 - M4-SNE11000-0 - M4-SNE11001-0 - M4-SNE110L0-0 - M4-SNE110L1-0 - M4-SNE22000-0 - M4-SNE22001-0 - Supervisory Device - SNE10 Network Engine - SNE11 Network Engine - SNE22 Network Engine - SNE Supervisory Network Engine - 12.0

SNE Commissioning Guide

Network Engines > Network Control Engines > SNE22 Network Engine
Network Engines > Network Control Engines > SNE11 Network Engine
Document type
Commissioning Guide
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BACnet time synchronization uses the BACnet protocol to synchronize with BACnet devices such as a network engine and a third-party device that needs a synchronized time. You can only use this method if the Site Director is a network engine and the engine has access to a BACnet time server. This method is not available if the Site Director is a Metasys Server. Lastly, the BACnet time synchronization method is available even if the network engine Site Director uses the Windows or Multicast method.

When entering BACnet time synchronization parameters, you need to specify the time synchronization recipients, which are those engines and third-party devices that receive the synchronized time. Three formats are available: ID (the BACnet device object instance number), IP Address, and Broadcast. Also, three forms of broadcast types are available: Local, Remote, and Global.

BACnet time synchronization sends the device’s current time to the recipients specified in the two recipient lists: Time Sync Recipients and UTC Time Synchronization Recipients. Select one of the Site Director methods (Windows or Multicast) for setting the supervisory device’s time to that of a known time server. Do not send BACnet time synchronization messages to devices that are receiving their time from a Site Director that uses the Windows or Multicast method.