N1 PID Loop Commands - Metasys - LIT-12011964 - Software Application - SCT System Configuration Tool - 16.0

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The following table lists the commands supported by the N1 PID Loop Object.

Note: For the Release Operator Override, Release, and Release All commands, if all Command Priorities have been released and a Relinquish Default is not defined, the supervisory controller gives control to the actual hardware.
Table 1. N1 PID Loop Object Commands

Command Name


Command Description


The value to be written to the Setpoint. The value must be less than Max Value and greater than Min Value.

Releases Command Priorities 9 through 15 (Scheduling) and then writes to the Setpoint at the Default (16) command priority. The value must be less than Max Value and greater than Min Value.

If Local Control is True, this command is rejected.

The command is only sent when one of the following conditions is met: a) NOT Local Control and NOT Out of Service, or b) NOT Local Control and after issuing the In Service command.

Disable Alarms


Disables all types of alarming: alarm extensions, BACnet intrinsic alarming, and BACnet Event Enrollment objects.

Enable Alarms


Enables all types of alarming: alarm extensions, BACnet intrinsic alarming, and BACnet Event Enrollment objects.

In Service


Cancels the effect of an Out of Service command and returns the Out of Service attribute to False. The Setpoint and Reliability revert back to the values obtained from the physical hardware output.

Note: For BACnet objects, support of this command is dependent on the ability to write the Out of Service attribute.

Operator Override

The value to be written to the Setpoint.

Updates the Setpoint at Command Priority Operator Override (8).

The Operator Override command sends the specified command to the internal NxE object, which is then only sent to the field device when not Out of Service.

Out of Service


Allows a user to override the object's hardware output. The Out of Service command changes the Out of Service attribute to True. The Setpoint and Reliability no longer track the physical output. No commands are sent to the actual hardware. When the Out of Service attribute is set to False, the current Setpoint is sent to the actual hardware.

When an Out of Service command is issued, the NxE does not communicate subsequent changes (operator or system) to the field device.

For BACnet objects, support of this command is dependent on the ability to write the Out of Service attribute.

Release Operator Override


Releases Command Priority Operator Override (8) from Setpoint.


Attribute name

Command priority

Releases the identified Command Priority from the specified attribute and allows the next highest priority to control it.

Release All

Attribute name

The Release All command releases priorities from 3 to 5 and from 7 to 16. The Release All command does not affect priorities 1, 2, and 6, which are reserved for Manual Life Safety (priority 1), Auto Life Safety (priority 2), and Minimum On Off control (priority 6).