Server objects contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab and the Diagnostics tab that are specific to ADS/ADX, OAS, and ODS server objects. See the Object and Feature Tabs section for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object.
Attribute Name |
Notes |
Initial Value |
Server |
Description |
ADS Repositories |
C,W |
For an ADS, ADX, or OAS, this attribute lists the ADS/ADX device host names or IP addresses to which incoming trend and Alarm/Event data forwards. An ADS, ADX, or OAS cannot have its own host name or IP address in this field. Refer to the ADS/ADX Commissioning Guide (LIT-1201645) for details on configuring repositories. For an ODS, this attribute specifies a list of ADS (ODS) Repository devices. The ODS is the device to which local audit, alarm, and trend data is delivered. Repository refers to the three files in the ODS that store this data. If a value is specified, it overrides the value of the Default ADS Repository attribute of the site. If no value is specified, the value of the Default ADS Repository attribute is used (Default ADS Repository is a site level setting sent to the site’s devices). For an ODS, the Default ADS Repository of the Site is intentionally left blank and must be updated by the user (online or offline). If the user does not populate the Default ADS value and leaves the Default ADS Repository value for all devices at, the ODS does not receive any audit, alarm, or trend data. The SCT does not automatically populate the Default ADS Repository value because of the many different possibilities that could exist during archive creation, including multiple ODSs on a site or no ODS for a site. In these cases, it is not immediately clear which ODS should be the Default ADS under the Site object. |
ADS Repositories Status |
C,W |
Indicates the status of the devices listed in the ADS Repositories attribute. Range: Offline, OK Note: For an ADS/ADX server, if data is forwarded to a secondary
ADS/ADX (that is, data forwarded to an ADS/ADX is forwarded to
another ADS/ADX), the status does not calculate. This attribute
shows only the status for the initial forward.
Alarm Snooze Time |
C,W |
5 |
Specifies the amount of time to delay after an operator temporarily ignores, or snoozes an alarm before re-announcing the alarm. Range: 0 to 75 Units: Minutes |
Align Intervals | OAS, ODS |
Specifies whether clock-aligned periodic time synchronization is enabled. If periodic time synchronization is enabled and the time synchronization interval is a factor of an hour or a day (that is, the value divides without remainder), then the beginning of the period specified for time synchronization aligns to the hour or day, respectively. |
APDU Retries |
C,W |
Initial: 4 |
Indicates the maximum number of times that an APDU (as specified by the BACnet device) is retransmitted. If the device does not perform retries, it is set to zero. If the value is greater than zero, a nonzero value appears in the APDU Timeout attribute. Range: 2 to 10 Note: If you write the value of this attribute, you
must reset the server for the new settings to take
APDU Segment Timeout |
C,W |
10,000 |
Indicates the amount of time in milliseconds between retransmission of an APDU segment. Range: 1,000 to 65,535 Units: milliseconds Note: If you write the value of this attribute, you
must reset the server for the new settings to take
APDU Timeout |
C,W |
10,000 |
Indicates the amount of time in milliseconds between retransmissions of an APDU requiring acknowledgment for which no acknowledgment has been received. Range: 1,000 to 65,535 Units: milliseconds Note: If you write the value of this attribute, you
must reset the server for the new settings to take
Appl SW Version | OAS, ODS |
Identifies the version of the application software installed in the device. The content of this string is locally defined (date-and-time stamp, a programmer’s name, a host file version number, and so on). |
BACnet Communications Password |
C,W |
Initial: jci_bacnet _comm |
Provides password protection of BACnet services, such as DeviceCommunicationControl and ReinitializeDevice. Third-party workstations may send these services and must provide the password for the Engine to execute the services. The default password is jci_bacnet_comm. Third-party workstations cannot read or write this password. |
BACnet Integrated Object | OAS, ODS |
Specifies whether integrated objects are displayed in the object list. The values are:
When this attribute is set to Include in Object List and Routing Mode is set to Enabled, the same third-party object appears in the list twice (as a native object on the actual device and as an integrated object within the Engine); therefore, this setup is not recommended. When Routing Mode is set to Enabled Without Broadcasts, it prevents third-party devices outside the network from discovering devices on a routed network using broadcast data. |
BACnet IP Port |
C,W |
47,808 |
Specifies the UDP port number used to communicate with other BACnet devices over the IP network. This value allows multiple BACnet networks on a single IP network and prevents communication between the multiple BACnet networks. Range: 0 to 65,535 Note: If you write the value of this attribute, you
must reset the server for the new settings to take
Database Revision | OAS, ODS | Specifies a logical revision number for the device’s database. Database Revision is incremented when an object is created or deleted, an object name changes, or a restore is performed. | ||
Device Addr Binding |
W |
Contains a list of BACnet Object Identifiers of an Engine Device object and a BACnet device address in the form of a BACnet Address. Entries in the list identify the actual device addresses that are used when accessing the remote device through a BACnet service request. The list may be empty if no device identifier-device address bindings are currently known to the device. |
DHCP Enabled |
Indicates whether the DHCP protocol should be used. Range: true, false The device may run in three modes:
Note: This attribute only appears in the ADS object
in the SCT and is used by the SCT during a download or upload of
the ADS database.
DST Status | OAS, ODS |
Indicates whether daylight saving time is in effect (True) or not (False) at the device’s location. |
Duplicate References | OAS, ODS |
Lists references that are duplicated in the system. Entries in this list are object references that exist on more than one device within the system. |
Enabled Audit Level |
C,W |
Audit Level 2 (1) |
Specifies which level of audit entries are added to the Audit Repository. Only audit entries of type Level 1 through (and including) the specified level are included. All other levels are not stored in the audit trail. Level 1 and Level 2 audit entries are always stored in the audit trail. Range: 1 to 4 with 5 Audit Levels
Ethernet MAC Address | OAS, ODS | Displays the Ethernet Media Access Control (MAC) address of this device. | ||
Firmware Version | OAS, ODS |
Represents the release of firmware installed in the main code section of the device. The first digit in the revision number is advanced on major releases. The second digit is advanced on minor releases. |
Host Name |
Indicates the name of the supervisory engine with the trend consolidation buffer that was the most full during the last buffer transfer scan (for diagnostic purposes). This percent to which this buffer is filled is indicated by the Transfer Buffer Full Worst NxE value. |
IEIEJ Function A List |
C,W |
Provides a list of structures with the following elements: Network Number, Device ID High Limit, and Device ID Low Limit. The first set of Who-Is messages is broadcast once the device reaches the Enable Field Commands phase of startup. At this time, a timer starts running that calls a method to send the Who-Is messages at the period specified by IEIEJ Function A Period. |
IEIEJ Function A Period |
C,W |
60 |
Sets the period when the IEIEJ Function A List sends the Who-Is message broadcasts. Clearing the value of this property disables the function A feature. Each destination is guaranteed to get a Who-Is message within the period specified by this property; however, if the list contains multiple destinations, the object attempts to spread out the Who-Is messages so that they are not all sent out at the same instant. Range: 60 to 86,400 Units: seconds |
Intermode Comm Timer |
C,W |
120 |
Controls the frequency of communication with remote Ethernet devices. This value is used by the Ethernet IP Datalink object. Among other communications, this attribute defines the frequency of the heartbeat to monitored devices (monitored at a rate of two time period the Internode Comm Timer). A change to this attribute does not take effect until the next server restart (cold or warm). Range: 5 to 255 |
Interval Offset |
C,W |
0 |
Specifies the offset, in minutes, from the beginning of the period defined for time synchronization until the actual time synchronization requests are set. Interval Offset has no effect when Align Intervals is False. Range: 0 to 144 Units: minutes |
Is Validated | C | ADS, ADX |
This attribute is only available on validated sites. Enables the MVE feature at the device, which includes re-authentication with electronic signature and required annotation when the user makes a change to the system, such as commanding an object, acknowledging an alarm, or changing the value of an attribute. This attribute can be set to True for MVE sites only. This attribute is writable only with the SCT, and is read-only online. Range: true, false |
JCI IP Address |
Represents the IP address of this Server. The JCI IP address identifies the server on the network and assists in the routing of messages. Each server must have a unique JCI IP address for the network to operate properly. A write to this attribute is ignored because configuration is completed through the Windows network configuration. A read of this attribute returns either the user specified value or the value determined from DHCP. Certain IP addresses are invalid and cannot be written successfully. The network address portion of the JCI IP address is computed by including all bits in which the corresponding bit from the IP mask is 1. The device address portion of the JCI IP address is computed by including all bits in which the corresponding bit from the IP mask is 0. Neither the network address nor device address can be all zero bits or all one bits. For example, if the IP mask is, the following IP addresses are invalid: and The JCI IP Address attribute can be set explicitly, or it may be automatically set using the DHCP server. Using a DHCP server may change this attribute even if you have set it up explicitly. See the DHCP Enabled attribute. Note: For the ADS, this attribute only appears
in the ADS object in the SCT and is used by the SCT during a
download or upload of the ADS/ADX database.
Last Restart Reason | OAS, ODS | Indicates the reasons for the last device restart.
The possible reasons are:
Local Date |
Displays the date on the server. |
Local Time |
Displays the time on the server. |
Location |
C,W |
(empty string) |
Indicates the physical location of the device. |
Max APDU Length |
C,W |
1,024 |
Indicates the maximum number of bytes that may be contained in a single, indivisible application layer protocol data unit. Range: 128 to 65,535 Units: bytes Note: If you write the value of this attribute, you must reset the
server for the new settings to take effect.
Max Message Buffer |
C,W |
994 |
Specifies the largest piece of data that can be sent to a device at one time, excluding all communications headers. Some applications need to perform segmentation of data outside the communications system. This value is used to size the data in those situations. range: 98 to 65,535 Units: bytes |
Max Segments Accepted | 123 | OAS, ODS |
Indicates the maximum number of segments of an APDU accepted by the device. |
Model Name |
Indicates the name of the device model. |
Network Address |
C,W |
1,001 |
Specifies the BACnet network address. A change to this attribute takes effect after the next server restart (cold or warm). |
Number of NxEs Reporting |
For an ADS/ADX, displays the number of NxE devices that registered this ADS/ADX as their trend repository. For an ODS, displays the number of NxEs reporting to your server. |
Process ID List |
C,W |
empty list |
Contains a list of unsigned 32-bit numbers used to compare the Process ID sent with the BACnet events. If the event Process ID is not found on this list, then the event is ignored. An empty list or a list containing only one entry with the value of zero allows all events to be processed. Maximum 64 elements, values limited by range of unsigned 32 |
Process Unmapped Object Alarms | ODS |
If set to true, when an ODS receives an alarm from a device that is not mapped, the ODS maps the device and processes the alarms for that device. If set to false, an ODS ignores alarms from devices that are not mapped. |
Protocol Obj Support | OAS, ODS |
Indicates which standard BACnet object types the device’s protocol implementation supports. This attribute is a bit string that uses the Object Type (Set 508). Each bit represents a BACnet object type in that set. For example, bit 0 represents the BACnet AI object type, whereas bit 17 represents the BACnet schedule object type. If the bit is true (1), the object type is supported. If the bit is false (0), the object type is not supported. The BACnet object types supported can vary between device models. |
Protocol Revision | OAS, ODS | Indicates the minor revision level of the BACnet standard the device supports. | ||
Protocol Ser Support | OAS, ODS |
Indicates which standard BACnet protocol services the device’s protocol implementation supports. For more information on the PICS and BIBBs of the Engine, see the table in the section. This object now supports both the BACnet UTCTimeSynchronization message and the BACnet TimeSynchronization message (non-UTC version). Third-party devices now have the ability to send the TimeSynchronization message to an Engine. This attribute is a bit string that uses the Protocol Ser Support (Set 136). Each bit represents a BACnet service in that set. For example, bit 0 represents the Acknowledge Alarm service, whereas bit 12 represents the Read Property service. If the bit is true (1), the service is supported. If the bit is false (0), the service is not supported. |
Protocol Version | OAS, ODS |
Represents the BACnet protocol the device supports. Initial releases are Version 1; subsequent releases increase the number by one. |
Restart Notification Receipts |
C,W |
Controls the restrictions on which devices, if any, are notified when a restart occurs. The value of this attribute is a list of BACnetRecipients. When the length of this list is empty, the device cannot send a device restart notification. The default value of this property is a single entry representing a broadcast on the local network. If the list has one or more entry, the device sends a restart notification, but only to the devices or addresses listed. |
Sample Rate |
Specifies the number of trend samples destined for the Metasys server in the last hour (for diagnostic purposes). The value of this attribute updates every 5 minutes. Note: The sample rate at the NxE is calculated based on the actual
raw samples taken by every trend object. The sample rate at the
server is calculated once every poll cycle and is based on the
number of samples received from all the NxEs and the time it
took to poll them. Most NxEs do not forward all the samples
taken between polls because the server transfer setpoint is
usually not set to 1 (that is, forward on every sample). The
result is that the sample rate at the server is less than the
sum of the samples taken at all the NxEs. The total server
sample rate is 60,000 and the total NxE sample rate is larger
than 100,000.
Segmentation | OAS, ODS |
Indicates if the device supports segmentation of messages and (if so) if it supports segmented transmission, reception, or both. |
Service Time |
Displays the amount of time in seconds that it takes for the server to poll all NxEs on the site for trend samples. Units: seconds |
System Status |
D |
Reflects the current physical and logical state of the device. Operational, Operational Read Only, Download Required, Download in Progress, Nonoperational, Backup in Progress |
Time of Device Reset | OAS, ODS | Indicates the time at which the device was restarted. | ||
Time Sync Receipts |
W |
Defines how automatic BACnet time synchronization updates are transmitted. If the list is of length zero, a device is prohibited from automatically sending a Time Synchronization request. If the list is of length one or more, a device automatically sends a Time Synchronization request but only to the devices or addresses listed. If it is present, this attribute is writable. Range: 0 to 1,440 Units: minutes |
Time Synchronization Interval |
C,W |
0 |
Specifies the periodic interval, in minutes, at which TimeSynchronization and UTCTimeSynchronization requests are sent. When set to zero, then periodic time synchronization is disabled. |
Transfer Buffer Full Worst NxE |
Indicates the percentage full of the Engine trend consolidation buffer (for diagnostic purposes). |
Transport Failure Rate | ODS |
Specifies the number of transport failures per day (for diagnostic purposes). This number represents how often HTTP posts from this server failed when they were sent to another device that is considered online. Failures include the inability to open the connection, to send the message, or to receive the reply. This value represents failures over the last 24 hours and is updated hourly, but does not correlate directly to the number of offline alarms generated by your system. Ideally, this number should be zero, indicating there are no failures. |
Unbound References | OAS, ODS |
Lists references that are not bound in the system. This attribute indicates that a process cannot find an object either because the device on which the object is located is offline, the object has been deleted, or the object reference is incorrect. |
UTC Offset |
C |
Contains the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). The UTC Offset attribute indicates the number of minutes (-900 to +900) offset between local standard time and Universal Coordinated Time. The time zones to the west of the zero degree meridian are indicated by positive values, and those to the east are indicated by negative values. The value of the UTC Offset attribute is derived from the Default Time Zone attribute of the site. |
Vendor ID |
5 |
Distinguishes proprietary extensions to the protocol using a unique vendor identification code assigned by ASHRAE. The Johnson Controls Vendor ID is 5. |
Vendor Name |
Identifies the manufacturer of the device. |
Attribute Name |
Flags |
Initial Value |
Server |
Description |
Audit Rate | OAS, ODS | |||
Average Intermittent Failure Period |
Specifies the average number of seconds devices in the transport layer are offline (for diagnostic purposes). Only time period less than one minute are used in this average to eliminate device resets. Ideally, this number should be zero, indicating there are no failures. Units: seconds |
BACnet Broadcast Receive Rate | OAS, ODS |
Indicates the number of BACnet broadcast messages received by the device in the previous minute. BACnet broadcast messages are generated as part of the normal BACnet operation, but are also generated when a BACnet device searches for another device that does not exist, such as when a device has objects with references to other nonexistent objects (called unbound references). This number increases when the number of unbound references increases on network connected devices. If this number gets too high, it indicates possible performance problems. |
BACnet Routed Messages Rate | ODS |
Indicates the number of BACnet messages received by the device on the IP network in the previous minute. If this number is high, it indicates that the performance of the MS/TP field bus network is affected by broadcast transmit traffic. |
COV Rcv Rate | OAS, ODS |
Specifies the number of COV messages the OAS or ODS receives from other supervisory devices or field controllers per minute. This attribute value updates every minute. Each COV message represents one object reporting a value change. |
COV Tx Rate | OAS, ODS |
Specifies the number of COV messages the OAS or ODS sends to other supervisory devices per minute. This attribute updates every minute. Each COV message represents one object reporting a value. |
CPU Usage | OAS, ODS |
Specifies a running average of CPU usage over the last 50 minutes. The value is updated every 30 seconds. The running average is calculated by adding or subtracting 1% of the difference between the current and average CPU usage. The value may not be meaningful until 50 minutes after a system restart. A value of 0% means the CPU is 100% idle. A value of 100% means the CPU is 0% idle. A value of 50% or less is considered OK, although other performance indicators should also be assessed. |
Data Collection Rate |
For the ADS, ADX, and OAS, this attribute indicates the data value collection rate of the Ready Time Series Data feature. It represents the rate of data values collected, not the rate of data values delivered to the clients. The feature buffers data values when the data collection rate is within the maximum expected rate (83,333 data values per minute) and the client is unknown or offline. In the event of a remote connection failure, a minimum of 60 hours of data is buffered locally for automatic delivery when the error condition is resolved. This feature is only used by a Site Director and is updated every 1 minute. For the ODS, this attribute indicates the data value collection rate of the cloud-based platform Time Series Data feature. Starting at Release 10.0, the remote services connection to a cloud-based platform is no longer available, so this attribute does not function for the ODS. Units: per minute Maximum value: 83,333 |
Data Usage |
This attribute indicates the number of data values currently locally stored by the Ready Time Series Data feature as a percentage of the maximum allowed. Typically, data samples are routinely delivered to an online client and the data usage remains small. When the client is unknown or offline, data values continue to accumulate in local storage until limits are reached. This feature is used by a Site Director and is updated every 1 minute. For the ADS, data values are accumulated in memory and stored in batches in a disk-based queue limited to 10,000 entries. This attribute is based on the worst case queue usage of all clients of this feature. Units: % |
Detection Interval | OAS, ODS |
Indicates the time, in seconds, determined by the HTTP transport mechanism based on the Poll Rate and Network Tolerance settings. This value determines how fast a site detects a device going offline. |
Event Rate | OAS, ODS |
Specifies the number of event messages destined for the Metasys server in the last hour (for diagnostic purposes). The value of this attribute updates every 5 minutes. |
Events Lost | OAS, ODS |
Specifies the total number of events which failed to be forwarded to the configured repository and which were deleted from the server's local repository. This count does not persist through a server reset, and reflects the number of lost events since the last reset. |
Incoming Audit Rate |
Units = Per Hour |
Specifies the average rate of audits, per hour, received from other devices (NxEs or ADS/ADXs) during the previous hour. The value of this attribute updates every 5 minutes. This rate only includes audits generated by devices at Release 5.2 or later. |
Incoming Event Rate |
For an ADS, ADX, or OAS, this attribute indicates the average rate of events, per hour, received from other devices (NxEs or ADS/ADXs) during the previous hour. This rate only includes events generated by devices at Release 5.2 or later. For an ODS, this attribute indicates the number of event messages destined for the Metasys server in the last hour, and is for diagnostic purposes. The value of this attribute updates every 5 minutes. Units: per hour |
Maximum Intermittent Failure Period |
Specifies the maximum number of seconds a device was offline at the transport layer (for diagnostic purposes). Only time period under one minute are recorded, to eliminate device resets. The value of this attribute does not match the offline time period determined from generated alarms. Ideally, this number should be zero, indicating there are no failures. Units: seconds |
Memory Usage | OAS, ODS |
Specifies the percent of system RAM that is currently in use. It is calculated as follows: Total commit charge x 100 Display Precision = 0.1 COV Increment = 0.1 |
Network Tolerance |
C,W |
Low |
Sets the timeout tolerance of the flexible polling feature (that is, changes the lower level communication timeouts). When edited by a user, this attribute is sent to the HTTP transport layer and determines how long the device waits to connect, send, and wait to receive HTTP Post responses. The setting options are LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH. LOW is the default and matches the current behavior. The MEDIUM or HIGH setting increases the tolerance by adding longer timeouts and more retries and should be used for poor network connections. Note that it takes longer to detect an offline device as the tolerance gets higher. |
Object Count | OAS, ODS | Indicates the number (count) of all of the object instances within the device. Objects of all classes are included. | ||
Object Memory Usage | OAS, ODS |
Specifies the percent of the object database that is currently in use. Each object created consumes memory within the object database. This attribute can be used to help determine the device’s capacity for additional objects; however, other performance indicators should also be assessed. Generally, the number of objects you define determines the object memory usage. This attribute is valid on the Engine hardware. Note: If you have a large number of objects, the object memory usage
increases and the file size
increases also. The file is
stored in flash memory.
Also, an attempt to create an object known to require X bytes of object database may fail even if more than X bytes are available in the object database. This is because the object database is composed of multiple blocks. If the free space of each block is fewer than X bytes, the request for X bytes fails even though the sum total of free space from all blocks is greater than X bytes. |
Outgoing Event Rate |
For an ADS, ADX, or OAS, this attribute indicates the average rate of events per hour, sent to other repositories (ADS/ADXs). This rate only includes events generated by devices at Release 5.2 or later. For an ODS, this attribute indicates the number of event messages destined for the Metasys server in the last hour (for diagnostic purposes). The value of this attribute updates every 5 minutes. Units: per hour |
Pager Dial-up Status | OAS, ODS | Specifies the current status of the pager dial-up connection. | ||
Registration Usage |
For an ADS, ADX, or OAS, this attribute indicates the number of registrations used by the Ready Metasys Time Series Data feature. It is the total usage of all clients of this feature. Each registration is a sign-up for an attribute of an object. The feature supports up to 1,000 registrations per fully loaded field bus per site device. This feature is only used by a Site Director and is updated every 1 minute. For an ODS, this attribute indicates the number of registrations used by the Metasys Time Series Data feature in the cloud-based platform. Starting at Release 10.0, the remote services connection to a cloud-based platform is no longer available, so this attribute does not function on an ODS. |
Repository Status | OAS, ODS |
Indicates the status of the communication between the device and the trend log sample repository (for diagnostic purposes). This attribute uses the Repository Status set. Uses Repository Status set: 0: Offline 1: OK 2: Undefined 3: Dialup 4: RAP 5: Incompatible Release |
Sample Rate | OAS, ODS |
Specifies the number of trend samples destined for the Metasys server in the last hour (for diagnostic purposes). The value of this attribute updates every 5 minutes. Note: The sample rate at the NxE is calculated based on the actual
raw samples taken by every trend object. The sample rate at the
OAS or ODS is calculated once every poll cycle and is based on
the number of samples received from all the NxEs and the time it
took to poll them. Most NxEs do not forward all the samples
taken between polls because the OAS or ODS transfer setpoint is
usually not set to 1 (that is, forward on every sample). The
result is that the sample rate at the OAS or ODS is less than
the sum of the samples taken at all the NxEs. The total OAS or
ODS sample rate is 60,000 and the total NxE sample rate is
larger than 100,000.
Samples Lost | OAS, ODS |
Specifies the number of trend samples lost because the Metasys server did not retrieve them fast enough (for diagnostic purposes). This value resets only when the device restarts. |
Time Between Buffer Reads | OAS, ODS |
Indicates the time, in minutes, between Engine trend consolidation buffer readings from the Metasys server (for diagnostic purposes). |
Transfer Buffer Full | OAS, ODS | Indicates the percentage full of the Engine trend consolidation buffer (for diagnostic purposes). | ||
Transport Failure Rate |
Specifies the number of transport failures per day (for diagnostic purposes). This number represents how often HTTP posts from this server failed when they were sent to another device that is considered online. Failures include the inability to open the connection, to send the message, or to receive the reply. This value represents failures over the last 24 hours and is updated hourly, but does not correlate directly to the number of offline alarms generated by your system. Ideally, this number should be zero, indicating there are no failures. Units: failures per day |