Site Management Portal UI - Metasys - LIT-12013309 - M4-APIMOCMD-0 - M4‑OASHIST-0 - M4‑OASMIN-0 - M4‑OASMIN-6 - M4‑OASMIN-SC3 - M4‑OASMIN-SCS - M4‑OASPPA-0 - M4‑OASSCHRPT-0 - M4-OASSTD-0 - M4-OASSTD-6 - M4-OASSTD-8 - M4‑OASSTD-SC3 - M4‑OASSTD-SCS - M4-OASTK-1 - Software Application - Open Application Server - 14.0

Open Application Server (OAS) Product Bulletin

Product name
Open Application Server
Document type
Product Bulletin
Document number
Revision date
Product status
The Site Management Portal UI (SMP) is the former user interface. SMP is in its end of life phase and existing customers are highly encouraged to switch to the newer, easy to use the Metasys UI.. SMP provides system administrators or building operators online user and system configuration capabilities along with real-time views into their site. SMP transforms raw data from the site and organizes it into a comprehensive set of information management tools and reports. SMP framework features a multiple panel layout that displays different aspects of your building control system at one time. For example, you can display a graphic diagram of an air handling plant along with a multiple point trend graph and the control system logic. This multi-panel layout enables you to identify the cause of an alarm condition from the plant quickly. In another panel, you can display a detailed focus view of a point and monitor the effects of changes to its value on the system graphic in the other panel. You can use predefined reports to query a single network engine, multiple network engines, or all network engines on the site for alarm, offline, disabled, override, trouble, and out of service conditions. For more information about SMP, refer to the Metasys Site Management Portal Help (LIT-1201793) .
Note: SMP is available to existing sites through a software license.