OAS ordering information - Metasys - LIT-12013309 - M4-APIMOCMD-0 - M4‑OASHIST-0 - M4‑OASMIN-0 - M4‑OASMIN-6 - M4‑OASMIN-SC3 - M4‑OASMIN-SCS - M4‑OASPPA-0 - M4‑OASSCHRPT-0 - M4-OASSTD-0 - M4-OASSTD-6 - M4-OASSTD-8 - M4‑OASSTD-SC3 - M4‑OASSTD-SCS - M4-OASTK-1 - Software Application - Open Application Server - 14.0

Open Application Server (OAS) Product Bulletin

Product name
Open Application Server
Document type
Product Bulletin
Document number
Revision date
Product status

For complete ordering information, refer to the Metasys System Software Purchase Options Product Bulletin (LIT-12011703).

Table 1. OAS Ordering information
Product code Product descriptions
M4-OASMIN-0 License enabling OAS minimum software for a new site.
M4-OASMIN-6 License enabling OAS minimum software for upgrading existing site.
M4-OASMIN-SCS One-year site subscription service for OAS minimum software.
M4-OASMIN-SC3 Three-year site subscription service for OAS minimum software.
M4-OASSTD-0 License enabling OAS software.
M4-OASSTD-6 Upgrade for license enabling OAS software.
M4-OASSTD-8 License enabling OAS software for migrating OASMIN to OASSTD.
M4-OASSTD-SCS 1-year subscription for OAS software.
M4-OASSTD-SC3 3-year subscription for OAS software.
M4-OASPPA-0 License enabling the Potential Problem Areas widget.
M4-OASSCHRPT-0 License enabling the Scheduled Reports feature.
M4-OASHIST-0 License enabling the Historical Data feature.
M4-APIMOCMD-0 License enabling the Monitoring and Commanding API.
MS-SMP-6 License enabling SMP for existing sites.
Note: This is a one-time purchase license only available to customers upgrading Metasys from a release before 12.0. Existing customers who purchased MS-SMP-6 at Release 12.0 or later can continue to use that same license after upgrading to Release 14.0.
M4-BACNETSC-0 License enabling BACnet Secure Connect
Table 2. OAS Ordering information
Product code Product descriptions
M4-OASTK-1 Unlicensed OAS software and hardware turnkey solution.
Table 3. Optional features add-on licenses
Code number Description


License enabling Fault Detection feature for one Metasys server (ADS, ADS-Lite, ADX, or OAS series). 1


License enabling Fault Triage feature for one Metasys server (ADS, ADS-Lite, ADX, or OAS series). 1
Note: M4-FAULT-0 is also required as a prerequisite.


License enabling Federal Information Processing Standard 140-2 (FIPS 140-2 Level 1 compliance) for one Metasys server (ADS, ADS-Lite, ADX, or OAS series), or for one software network engine (NAE85 or LCS85 series).


Field Ordering Instructions: When you process the order for the M4-OASTK-1, include the desired computer name in the order details. Email jciorder@jci.com with your order information, and request the computer name be added to the details of the M4-OASTK-1 line item. The repair center configures the computer name before loading the Metasys software.

For more information about changing the computer name, see the Appendix: Changing the OAS name and the computer name section in the Open Application Server (OAS) Commissioning Guide (LIT-12013243)

1 OAS must meet Fault Detection and Fault Triage minimum requirements.