Setting power options for the OAS network card - Metasys - LIT-12013243 - M4-OASMIN-0 - M4-OASSTD-0 - Server - Open Application Server - 13.0

Open Application Server (OAS) Commissioning Guide

Building Automation Systems > Application Servers > Open Application Server
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Commissioning Guide
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  1. In Control Panel, select System and Security, System, then click Device Manager in the left pane. If the User Account Control window appears, click Continue or Yes. The Device Manager window appears.
  2. Expand the Network Adapters item.
  3. Disable Network Interface Cards (NICs) that you do not intend to use, then install and re-enable if you need them.
  4. Right-click the network card, and click Disable device.
  5. To clear the power management, right-click the network card, and click Properties.
  6. Click the Power Management tab. Clear the option Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.
  7. Click OK.
    Note: If there is more than one network adapter listed, repeat steps 4-6 for each adapter.
  8. Close all windows.