- Launch SCT, log on, and then open the relevant archive.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Next, and then, in the SCT, select the Metasys server in the navigation tree.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Next, and then, in the SCT, from the Tools menu, select Manage Archive.
- In the Manage Archive wizard, click Next.
- On the Action page, select Upload from Device, and then click Next.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Next.
- In the Manage Archive wizard, on the Select Devices page, select the Metasys server in the navigation tree, and then click Next.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Next, and then, in the Manage Archive wizard, on the Schedule page, click Next.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Next, and then, in the Manage Archive wizard, on the Site Login page, click Test Login, and then click Next.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Next, and then, in the Manage Archive wizard, on the Repeat Upload page, click Next.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click
Next, and then, in the Manage Archive wizard, on the Summary page, click Finish. Note: After the upload completes, the site and server names now match.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Next, and then exit the SCT.
- Click Continue. Note: If you are not using the Metasys Advanced Reporting System, the verification and rename processes are complete.