- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Launch SCT.
- In the Launcher, log on to the SCT. Note: To create a new archive, continue with Step 3. To use an archive that already exists, open the archive, and then skip to Step 13.
- In the Open Archive Wizard, click Cancel.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Next, and then, in the SCT, from the Item menu, click New Archive.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Next, and then, in the New Archive wizard, enter a unique name for the new archive, select Empty Archive, and then click Create.
- If you are prompted to close the current archive, then click Yes.
- Click Next in the Metasys Rename Assistant, and then complete the
following steps in the SCT:
- In the Create Site dialog box, click Yes.
- In the Insert Site Wizard, on the Destination page, select the parent item for the new site object, and then click Next.
- On the Identifier page, enter a unique name for the server, and then click Next.
- On the
Configure page, click
Next.Note: The order of the time zones in the Metasys software does not match the order in the Windows operating system.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Next. In the Insert Site Wizard, on the Summary page, click Finish.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Next.
- In the Create Device dialog box, select Metasys Server from the list, and then click OK.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click
Next. In the Insert
Metasys Server Wizard, complete the following steps:
- On the Object Type page, select the type of object that you want to create, and then click Next.
- On the Destination page, select the parent item for the new item.
- Click
Next. Note: If you select an invalid parent, an error message appears.
- On the Identifier page, enter the original OAS name that appears in red text in the Metasys Rename Assistant. Click Next.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click
Next, and then complete the
following steps in the SCT:
- In the Insert Metasys Server Wizard, on the Configure page, click Next.
- On the Summary page, click Finish.
- Select the Metasys server in the navigation tree.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Next. In the SCT, click .
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Next. In the Manage Archive Wizard, on the Action page, select Upload from Device, and then click Next.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click
Next. In the Manage Archive wizard, complete the
following steps:
- On the Select Devices page, select the devices you want to upload, and then click Next.
- On the Schedule page, click Next.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click
Next. In the Manage Archive wizard, complete the
following steps:
- On the Site Login page, enter the red text in the Metasys Rename Assistant as the username, and the same password that you use to log on to the SCT.
- Click Test Login.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click
Next. In the Manage Archive wizard, complete the
following steps:
- On the Repeat Upload page, click Next.
- On the Summary page, click Finish. To monitor progress of the upload, open the ActionQ screen in the SCT.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Next. In the SCT, after the upload completes, right-click the Metasys server in the navigation tree, and then click Rename.
- Click Next in the Rename Assistant, and then, in the new name field, enter the new OAS name written in red text in the Metasys Rename Assistant.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Next. In the SCT, click OK.
- If you have existing user views, open each user view in
Edit mode in the SCT, use the Find/Replace function to change the name, and
then save the user view. The Site Director portion of the reference updates
to match the new Site Director name.Important: Do not download or make other name changes in the SCT.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Next, and then, in the SCT, double-click the Metasys site in the navigation tree.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Next, and then, in the SCT, click Edit in the display pane.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click
Next, and then, in the SCT,
complete the following steps:
- In the Name and Default OAS Repository attributes, enter the name you previously entered in the Rename field. This name appears in red text in the Metasys Rename Assistant.
- Click Save.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Next, and then, in the SCT, click .
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Next, and then exit the SCT.
- In the Metasys Rename Assistant, click Continue.