This tab provides the user with additional details about the tool and a quick link to the NCT log file. The log file section of the tab is viewable only in the Advanced mode. Use the Advanced mode only with assistance from your local Johnson Controls service/support representative.
Callout |
Item Name |
User Action, Item Function, and/or Item Description |
1 |
NCT Information Pane |
Provides some additional details about the NCT, including copyright, port usage, NCT version number, and a list of devices supported by NCT. Note that the SNE and SNC models are not listed, but they are still supported. |
2 |
Log File Section |
Advanced mode only. Appears only in the Advanced mode and contains the View button and Empty button. |
3 |
View Button |
Advanced mode only. Click View to open a new window that displays the entire NCT log file. Note: The Messages from Selected Device field
on the Connections tab are more helpful
to the general user than the Log File
View button.
4 |
Empty Button |
Advanced mode only. Click Empty to erase the log file. This function permanently deletes all information in the log file. You cannot undo the Empty command. Important: Use the Empty button
with caution. We strongly recommend that you do not click
Empty unless directed to do so by
your local Johnson Controls service/support representative.
5 |
Log all network data Check Box |
Select the Log all network data check box to include all communication data between the NCT and the connected network engine. |
6 |
Command Timeout Box |
Select a value to establish the amount of time (in seconds) in which commands sent from the NCT wait before they return a lack of response error. For example, if you have trouble starting the performance monitor tool (which could be due to network delays), you could increase this value by 5-second increments until the lack of response error messages stop appearing. |