Enabling and disabling anonymous access on the default web site - Metasys - LIT-12011279 - General System Information - Metasys System - 13.0

Network and IT Guidance Technical Bulletin

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Metasys System
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Technical Bulletin
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Follow these steps to enable and disable anonymous access when installing and running the Metasys server or SCT software.

  1. Open Control Panel and click System and Security > Administrative Tools. Double-click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. The Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager window appears.
  2. Expand the left pane to expose the Default Web Site.
    Figure 1. Enabling Anonymous Access to Default Web Site

  3. Select Default Web Site and double-click the Authentication icon in the middle pane. The Authentication options appear.
    Figure 2. Authentication Options for Default Web Site

  4. In the Actions pane, set Anonymous Access to Enabled.
  5. Close the IIS Manager window.
  6. Install the Metasys server or SCT software.
  7. Reopen the IIS Manager window. Disable Anonymous Access on the Default Web site (reversing Step 4 above).
  8. Expand the Default Web Site folder and enable Anonymous Access for each of the following items that might be present: Metasys, MetasysIII, SCT, MetasysReports, and NAEUpdateTool. The following figure is an example of the anonymous access setting enabled for the Metasys website.
    Figure 3. Enabling Anonymous Access to Metasys Web Site

  9. Close the IIS Manager and all other windows.