Computer minimum hardware configurations are based upon experience and testing for both client and server platforms and are published in the literature for each component of the Metasys system. Follow these requirements.
Computers running Metasys software must perform simultaneous tasks that require both hardware and network resources, and optional or advanced features require a large amount of memory for proper performance. Examples of the optional features of the Metasys system include advanced navigation and support for complex graphics, operation with the maximum number of concurrent users, complex and extended queries with the Metasys Export Utility, support for large network integrations, extensive use of trending, and large numbers of concurrent open applications.
It is important to note that operating systems and computing capabilities change rapidly. A computer that is adequate for today’s applications may be inadequate in a year if additional system features and functions become required. Configuration requirements for computers running Metasys software may be upgraded on a regular basis to reflect these changes. Refer to the Metasys System Configuration Guide (LIT-12011832) for specific computer requirements for all Metasys software products and tools.