Administrator rights - Metasys - LIT-12011279 - General System Information - Metasys System - 10.1

Network and IT Guidance Technical Bulletin

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Metasys System
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Technical Bulletin
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Administrative privileges may function differently on Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 7. Depending on your operating system login privileges, you may need to perform additional steps to use Metasys software (including logs) or access Windows operating system features and SQL Server software.

Table 1. Login Privileges and Steps

Login Privileges

Steps to Run Software

Not logged in as the Windows account named Administrator

To run the software with Windows 10 or Windows 8.1:
  1. Right-click the application tile on the Start screen.
  2. Select Run As Administrator on the bottom of the screen.
  3. If prompted, enter your credentials.
  4. Click Yes.
To run the software with Windows 7:
  1. Right-click the application icon on your desktop or software name in a menu.
  2. Select Properties.
  3. Select Run As Administrator.
  4. If prompted, enter your credentials.
  5. Click Yes.

Refer to the documentation for the specific Metasys software you are using for more information on how to perform tasks that require Administrator privileges.

Logged in as the Windows account named Administrator

Run the software without additional steps.