Diagnostic files and support - Metasys - LIT-12013148 - System Integration - KNX Vendor Integration - 12.0

Network Engine Commissioning for KNX Vendor Integration Application Note

Building Automation Systems > Utilities and Integrations > KNX Vendor Integration
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Application Note
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The KNX integration includes a feature to temporarily enter a diagnostic mode. Diagnostic mode captures the protocol messages between the SNE, SNC and NxE engines and the field devices. The captured messages are sent through Ethernet, which requires drivers built after 2017, by serial port, or can be written to a file for Windows based engines. You can read stored messages with a text editor such as Notepad.

For a serial port capture, you need a null modem RS-232 serial cable connected to one of the serial ports on the NAE55. For an SNE and SNC, you need the ACC-USBRS232-0 USB-to-RS-232 adapter connected to a null modem RS-232 serial cable. For a USB port capture on the NAE85, you need a removable flash drive connected to the USB port.

Follow these general rules when logging:

  • You can capture the diagnostic information at the following locations:
    • Through Ethernet for all HW platforms, such as NxE, SNE, SNC and OAS. To receive diagnostic messages on your computer you require the VPDDiagConsole command line tool. This tool displays and stores the diagnostic messages.
    • Through a serial port for the NAE55, and NIE59. The diagnostic messages are received at the serial port and you can capture these to a file with a serial terminal program.
    • Through a certified USB-to-RS-232 adapter, or USB-to-RS-485 adapterfor Metasys 12.0 and later, for the SNE and SNC. You can then capture diagnostic messages to a file with a serial terminal program.
    • For the NAE85 and OAS, capture log files at the USB drive.
      Note: For NAE85 and OAS, if you use a USB drive, insert the drive before you enable log capture and remove the USB drive after you disable the log.
  • Do not disconnect the cable or flash drive until after you deactivate diagnostic mode. The deactivation step stops diagnostic mode.
  • To activate diagnostic mode, set the Diagnostic parameter (parameter 1) to Y (Yes) in the integration object.
  • Use the Metasys SMP UI or the OAS Metasys UI to help determine which devices and points from the network engine require analysis.
  • Keep diagnostic mode active long enough to capture the information related to the devices and points that need to be analyzed. 10 minutes is the optimal capture time. If you use a time less than five minutes, you may not capture enough information to analyze. If you use a time greater than 20 minutes, the captured file becomes too long to analyze and too large for the text editor to open. For points that send values infrequently, command an update before you begin diagnostic mode.
  • Use a USB flash drive of 32 GB or greater that is formatted to the FAT32 file system. Do not use a USB flash drive that auto-installs any software on the host device at the time of initialization. USB port capture is only available for an NAE85.
  • Deactivate diagnostic mode after you capture the data to return the device to normal operation. To deactivate diagnostic mode, set the Diagnostic parameter to N (No).
  • Use a text editor to read the diagnostic log file.
Note: If you contact technical support for assistance, you may be asked to submit the text capture file from the flash drive or captured over the serial port. Technical support may also request an export of the archive database from SCT.