About this task
To insert field points manually, complete the following steps:
- Use the Launcher to log on to the network engine's SMP. If you need to install the Launcher, refer to Launcher Installation Instructions (LIT-12011783).
- Drag the new device object from the navigation panel to the display panel.
- Click Insert > Field Point. The Insert Point Wizard appears.
- In the Destination window, select the parent item for the field point and click Next.
In the Select Definition Mode window, click
Manual, and then click the type of field point you
want to create.
Figure 1. Insert Point Wizard - Select Definition Mode
- Click Next.
In the Select Data Source window, enter a unique name in
the Vendor Reference field, and click
Figure 2. Insert Point Wizard - Select Data Source
In the Identifier
window, enter a unique name for the point, and click Next.
Figure 3. Insert Point Wizard - Identifier
In the Configure window, click
Figure 4. Insert Point Wizard - Configure
- Click Finish to close the Summary window.
View the default parameters of the new point and complete the
following steps to modify them as necessary. See Figure 5.
- Drag the new point object from the navigation panel to the display panel.
- Click the Hardware tab.
- Click Edit.
- Click the browse button in the Vendor Configuration Data field to open the Modify List. Figure 5 shows the default values.
- Modify the
parameters as necessary. The system automatically saves any changes. See
Table 1 for a
list of parameter values. Figure 5. Default parameters for a field point
Table 1. Field point parameters Parameter
Represents the internal point type, which is fixed to 0 (a group point).
Represents the group address. It has the standard format
Represents the group value type, which is a specific enumeration set used only by this integration. The value of this parameter is the Vendor Configuration Data number that corresponds with the EIS (EIB Interworking Standard) or DPT (Data Point Type) listed in Table 1. See Group value format for more details.
Represents a list of options. Each character (U and P) represents a specific option:- U represents Startup Update; 0 is disabled and 1 is enabled. If set to 1, a Read Group Value request is sent at startup in order to have a real value on the Metasys system. It updates the point only if a read request is enabled for this group address. If no read request is enabled, the data point becomes reliable after a change of value is received.
- P is not used in this integration.
Represents the special handler to apply for this value. Possible values are:
- 0: NONE. No special handler is applied. For example, Metasys value is treated as an Unsigned Byte raw value of 0 to 255 for data point type (DPT) 5.010.
- 1: DIMMING. Metasys value is treated as an Unsigned Byte percentage value of 0 to 100. Available in both Read and Write mode.
- 2: ANGLE. Metasys value is treated as an Unsigned Byte degree value of 0 to 360, while raw value is still 0 to 255. Available in both Read and Write mode.
- 3: BITMASK. Metasys value is treated as Unsigned 16 bit mask; it is filtered by using parameter 6. Available in Read mode only.
Represents the mask of bits used to filter the value read from the field. This parameter is only valid if parameter 5 is set to 3.
Format this parameter as 16 digits (comprised only of 0 or 1) which represent all bits of the word used to filter the received value. For example, you have a raw value of 0x01E1. If you set the parameter to value 0000000011110000, you extract only bits 4 to 7 from the received value of the entire word, making the point's present value 0x0E (14).
This special handler supports only consecutive bits and not mixed bits (for example, 0000000011010000 is not processed successfully.)
- Click OK to close the Modify List dialog box. If you did not modify any parameters, you have completed the process. If you modified parameters, proceed to the next step.
- Drag the field point's parent device object from the navigation panel to the display panel.
- In the SMP menu, click Action > Command. The Metasys Command window appears.
- Click Disable and then click Send. The device goes offline after a few seconds.
- Open the Metasys Command window again, click Enable, and then click Send. Once the device comes back online, the new field point parameters take effect.